THIS IS YOUR PERSONEL OPINION, NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT PROVEN BY HISTORY OR OTHER. One Betty on a bomb run against Lexington had an engine shot entirely off its mounts, by Lieutenant Butch OHare of ORD fame, and then did its best to crash into the carrier. THE DEVESTATORS [TBD 0298 and TBD 1515] IN THE MARSHAL LAGOONS FOR EXAMPLE. Date - 07/02/2021 20:15:39. Japan's newest and most advanced bomber made the trip, disassembled and stacked on five ox-drawn farm carts, over unpaved roads! CERTAINLY GIVEN THE HIGH COST OF RECOVERY IN PNG AND I FAIL TO SEE HOW ANYONE CAN MAKE A PROFIT. Firstly the preservation of the memory of those involved in its manufacture and operation. Our model is a B-25J which didnt have a nose gunner but instead had eight .50 caliber machine guns controlled by the pilot. yourself or projects published? The F-82B on display, Betty-Jo, flew from Hawaii to New York on Feb. 27-28, 1947, a distance of 5,051 miles, the longest non-stop flight ever made by a propeller-driven fighter. Whether his engineering team found it aesthetically pleasing is open to question. The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. They had to fabricate the missing air scoops, install an engine, rebuild the cockpit . WHEN OUT IN THE FIELD ONE COMES ACROSS SOME INTERESTING MATERIAL FROM TIME TO TIME THAT WARRANTS CONSERVATION. P-39 project? The debate is over what to do with those relics (leave them in situ, protect them, salvage them), CLARIFICATION IN THE CASE OF PNG THE MODERN HISTORY SECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM WILL ISSUE A SET OF GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION PROCEEDURE. Greinert was/is Speak about your Vanuatu recovery of P-40Fs. When it first appeared west of the Gilbert Islands, the Allies were surprised and thought . I LOVE THE PLACE AND THE PEOPLE. I HAVE BEEN INVOLVED IN THE COMPLETION OF MANY MUSEUM PROJECTS AND UNDERTAKEN THE RECOVERY OF AIRCRAFT FROM MANY PARTS OF THE WORLD INCLUDING RUSSIA. The DC-4E design proved to be so bad that the company started over again, producing the successful DC-4 airliner. A LOT OF PEOPLE, VETERANS, ENTHUSIASTS, MUSEUMS ETC COME TO US AND ASK US TO HELP. The Mitsubishis were large, ponderous targets and needed to follow stable courses during torpedo runs. Bendix Aviation had bought several B-25s during that period including the B-25H model Barbie III. THESE THINGS TAKE TIME. . Within 20 minutes, Hellcats had shot down all 18 bombers. What in-house HARS involved with Talk About Your Organization 'HARS' [in late April, early May 2006 B-17E 41-2446 aka 'Swamp Ghost' was salvaged. Rate-of-climb was 1,800 feet-per-minute. Here's some of the fascinating stories he shared. Many of the Grumman F4F Wildcats and Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers on display today were recovered from Lake Michigan years after training crashes sent them to rest on the murky bottom. And issues like if the wreck is an MIA Site B-25s from the 501st Bomb Squadron of the Air Apaches escorted Mitsubishi Betty surrender aircraft en route to Ie Shima in August 1945. CLARIFICATION Why is little about About half the crew manned the defensive gun positions. Japanese Mitsubishi G4M (code name given to allies - "Betty") bomber burning on the ground after an American air raid. Rather, P-39s are being restored by Precision Aerospace, Greinert Aircraft List THE B-25 STILL THERE REMAINS UNDER THREAT. Rather than pull all-nighters, he spent a lot of time in Cambridge playing poker. TWO AIRCRAFT, [P-38F Lightning 42-12647] AND [ Ki-61 Tony 640 ] ARE UNDER RESTORATION FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE PNG MUSEUM. Yamamotos weapon of choice was the torpedo, and the Betty was first and foremost a torpedo bomber, carrying a single 1,890-pound Type 91 tin fishthe worlds most accurate and powerful aerial torpedo right up until the end of the war. The museum displays the only complete Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber in a setting depicting the way it was located in the jungle. (Perhaps something is lostor gainedin translation.) Appetizers include chili, fresh tortilla . CLARIFICATION Honjo apparently also decided that an untapered fuselage ending in a large tail-gunners station made sense aerodynamically. The worlds governments cannot effectively police archeological sites on land or sea. Or are 'real identities' the attraction? Physically, the G4Ms salient feature was a fat but graceful fuselage quite unlike the tapering configuration of typical WWII medium bombers. Bendix Aviation Corp out of Teterboro, NJ bought the B-25 in June of 1946 and used it as a test bed for the next twenty years. Evidently, only the pieces that survive today arrived at the storage facility at Park Ridge, Illinois, during the late 1940s. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. I HAVE BEEN CREDITED ERRONOUSLY FOR DOING A LOT OF THINGS I DIDNT DO. The aircraft was operated by the 105th Naval Base Air Unit. WE HAD A GREAT WEEK UP THERE AND SOME IMPORTANT STUFF WAS SAVED. One of the Bettys last combat assignments was to carry torpedo-shaped Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka single-seat kamikaze rocket planes to within striking distance of U.S. fleets. . Hasegawa Item # hsg00550. What do you feel should be done with remaining relics of war? OBVIOUSLY THAT CANT BE ACHIEVED FOR ALL WRECKS AS THERE WOULD NO WHERE TO PUT ALL THE DC3'S FOR EXAMPLE. The Bettys Type 92 machine guns were license-built World War I Lewis guns. (His friend Horikoshi seems to have taken the technique to heart in designing the Zero.) export or removal, CLARIFICATION The Airacomet was the first jet aircraft in U.S. service, and this example, s/n 12-108777, is believed to be the tenth airframe in the production run. Medium Bomber. Many of the Grumman F4F Wildcats and Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers on display today were recovered from Lake Michigan years after training crashes sent them to rest on the murky bottom. I am often criticized for my recovery work and how that work gets spread around. 2011-2016 Texas Flying Legends Museum, All Right Reserved. Its official designation is Mitsubishi Navy Type 1 attack bomber (, , Ichishiki rikuj kgeki ki, Isshikirikuk) and was commonly referred . . She can easily apply heavy pressure on the point or in flanking lanes using both Hail of Bombs and Cluster Grenade . Air Force photo by . Tell About Yourself and your background Then the aircraft took a round to the engine and had to belly land in a field next to a river. With sale prices of restored warbirds so high, and even projects expensive, what is the 'value' of wrecked aircraft? It's a good day when Dick Cole stops by for a visit, and at Winds Over Houston, Dick came by to say hi and even did a short little interview for us. TO ANSWER THE FIRST PART OF THIS QUESTION REQUIRES A VERY LONG AND DETAILED ANSWER AND ONE MORE SUITED TO A MORE SPECIFIC FORUM. ** Updated 2021-08-30**. One bomber broke away and he pursued it. LIKE I SAID BEFORE, THESE ARE MATTERS FOR GOVERNMENT. I SPEND A LOT OF MY OWN MONEY ON PRESERVING HISTORY. Destined to be the main Japanese land-based bomber for the entire war, it was, like other Japanese planes, state of the art at the beginning of World War II but grossly outmatched by American models later in the war. Mitsubishi G4M2 captured at Clark Field 2. Since the model is optimized for 1/900th scale, it is not ideal to print larger versions due to a lack of detail. Mitsubishi tried again to reduce the bomber's tendency to burn. For the Betty, however, it was all downhill from there. OCCASSIONALLY WE WILL ACCEPT REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES ON THE SURPLUS PARTS BUT ALWAYS AT COST. So the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service laid down the parameters of what would become the Betty by basically saying, Build a better Nell. Like the Mitsubishi Zero Fighter (also in the NASM collection), the Hamaki soldiered on long after it became obsolete, even dangerous, to fly wherever Allied interceptors prowled. Betty crews carried no parachutes, since bailing out wasnt an option. OVER THE YEARS I HAVE WORKED WITH A GREAT NUMBER OF PEOPLE. I SUGGEST THAT ANYBODY CONTEMPLATING THIS SHOULD SPEAK TO SOMEBODY WHO HAS ACTUALLY DONE IT BEFORE THEY THEY RUSH OFF AND WASTE A WHOLE LOT OF TIME AND MONEY ON A VENTURE THAT MAY PROVE FINANCIALLY AND PHYSICALLY DAMAGING. Lancaster bomber project still four years away from completion. ITS THEN VERY MUCH ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS. CLARIFICATION Price was cheap!! Betty . SITTING IN A KUNAI PATCH FOR SIXTY YEARS IS NOT GOING TO PUT FOOD IN THE MOUTHS OF THEIR CHILDREN OR GET THEM THE CRITICAL MEDICINES THEY NEED. The tail of the Betty Bomber. What do you say to those worldwide who would like to visit this wreck, and see it remain there the way the war left it? Describe a bit about export permits If you conduct an analysis of those that criticize, you discover that they are either the armchair critics of this world that do nothing but sit behind a computer and complain to the world or commercial salvage organizations that seek to plunder for profit. The Ohka was carried to the target under a G4M "Betty" bomber. Jim Morehead, who had flown in the Java campaign, was credited with three kills - added to his current two this was enough to . Casualties were horrific. ITS TRUE VALUE IS IN THE HISTORY AND THE STORY IT WILL TELL FUTURE GENERATIONS. I KNOW OF NO OTHER EXPERTS GIVING EXPERT OPINION. What made the Hellcat Such an Effective Zero Buster? IF WE GET INVOLVED WITH OTHER GROUPS OR ORGANIZATIONS ITS FOR THE BEST OF THE PROJECT AND THE CONTINUING MESSAGE OF PRESERVING HISTORY. It was propelled by a tiny radial engine fueled by kerosene and compressed air, and had a surprisingly sophisticated automatic roll-control mechanism. Due to these qualities, it was a symbol of Japanese naval aviation. "passionate about aviation Made by Mitsubishi, the same company that made the Zero . guns in the nose, atop the mid-fuselage behind the cockpit, and on both sides of the fuselage behind the wing. Like its stablemate, Mitsubishi's Zero Fighter (see NASM collection for two examples), the Hamaki soldiered on long after it became obsolete, even dangerous, to fly wherever Allied interceptors prowled. One of the best-known Betty carcasses was on display for years at the Planes of Fame Museum in Chino, Calif. On that day, fifty P-40s would take to the air to meet the attackers. What challenges do wrecks salvaged from PNG present? SO YES IT IS PRICELESS BUT AS FAR AS ITS ALLEDGED HIGH VALUE I WOULDNT KNOW. The Japanese built more of them than any other bomber during World War II. Its outstanding range literally revolutionized operational concepts in the Pacific. 09 November: Dick's Lindberg XB-70 Restoration 09 November: Monogram Air Power Set YouTube Video! Armor plate was also added to all crew positions and the tail turret was redesigned. G4M "Betty" livery for the Ju-88. The G4M2 was a complete redesign but it did not overcome the airplane's vulnerability to Allied firepower. I BELIEVE IT WAS CHARLES DARBY WHO SUCCINTLY PUT IT THAT "ALL WRECKS" SHOULD BE SAVED WHERE POSSIBLE FOR POSTERITY. But as Allied fighter strength increased, the BETTY began to reveal its fatal vulnerabilities. I WAS INVITED TO GO ALONG AT THE TIME TO ASSIST WITH THE RECOVERY OF Ki-43 [5465]. (AAF) The two Betty bombers made their way to Ie Shima along a route clearly delineated in a Japanese message to the Allied Command. Is there anything left in PNG still worth salvaging? The only wreck known to be salvaged by USAF Museum is a O-38F. Like the Zero, its speed and ordnance-carrying capabilities were very good at the expense of crew protection. With its large range and high speed, it became a nightmare for the Allies at the beginning of the war Gifts: You can experience the fun of your . MUSEUM OR INDIVIDUAL. RESTORATION IS BEING CONDUCTED TO THE HIGHEST MUSEUM STANDARDS WITH EXTREME EMPHASIS ON ORIGINALITY AND COMPLETENESS. As the war dragged on, improved bombers failed to materialize so Mitsubishi fielded different versions of the G4M to fulfill new missions, and to eliminate the various weaknesses in the basic design. TO DATE THE PNG STATE HAS DETERMINED IT SHOULD COME OUT AND BE SAVED. Rather, locals remember the P-47 disappearing. This extremely rare Bell YP-59A Airacomet is under restoration to flying condition. This feature originally appeared in the November 2018 issue of Aviation History. From the first day of war until after the surrender, BETTY bombers saw service throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Limited the livery to Japan (JPN) to prevent it from hiding the default livery. WHAT DO I GET OUT OF IT. THE TONY RESTORATION WILL ALSO BE FEATURED IN A FORTHCOMING EDITION OF Classic Wings Magazine. A Brief History. What is wreckage used for when exported? Many items from the PNG museum's collection were removed in late 2000-1 by yourself and '75 Squadron'. Honjo had studied bomber design at the Junkers works in Germany, and was responsible for the G3M. War relics with remains aboard are consider 'war graves' by the United States, Japan and Australia a very different classification all three countries make efforts to recover remains only from these sites, Beaufighter A19-144 It could operate at 565 km/h at 6 km elevation and made into several variants to serve according to the requirements. Speak about your work with established museums It was the first gun ever fired from an airplane, a Wright Model B Flyer, in 1912. This is a Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" livery for the Ju-88 so it can be used as a stand in for the Betty Bomber. The two rearmost and outermost Nells were, no surprise, found to suffer the highest casualties from opposing fighters. G3Ms attacked in large vee formations of 27 aircraft stacked in nine mini-vees of three aircraft each, a formation-flying nightmare. WE HAVENT BEEN INTO SOME OF THE RESTORATIONS THAT LONG If these wrecks are indeed worthless, why are they being salvaged? Today it sits in a rather clever display in Aeroplane Hall where nearly one million visitors a year pass through. In reply I would simply advise that if you dont believe in preserving history for future generations (and it cant be done in the bush) stay behind your computers and get out of the way so we can get on with the job. Possibly, assigned to the 761 Kktai (761 Air Group). The end had arrived for the Japanese and the BETTY bomber. Their fate is unknown, though the cockpit and nose of one, plus the tailcone, ended up in storage at the National Air and Space Museum. Nor did he provide armor for the crew. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. $34.95. The B-25 is not under threat of scrapping. Designed by "Mitsubishi" in 1937-1940, respectively, serially produced in 1941-1945 . In 1972 45-8835 was bought by Ernest H. Koons of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada where the B-25 started its career as a fire bomber for the next nineteen years. Yamamotos idea, however, was not to build more shipsyou could buy a thousand airplanes for the cost of a warship, he once saidbut to build a land-based bomber with huge range and great speed that could quickly fly far out to sea and fight naval battles, either defending the fleets capital ships or attacking the enemy. AS YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE IN THE RESTOIRATION BUSINESS I WOULD SUGGEST YOU GET YOURSELF INVOLVED IN A "DOWN TO THE LAST RIVET RESTORATION" FIND OUT WHAT IS INVOLVED WE WILL TALK AGAIN IN FIVE YEARS. This is there opinion and they are entitled to argue it. How relics are owned by the state, but also how local compensation and tourism supersede removal, CLARIFICATION Nor was it a factor during the early days of WWII, when Bettys ranged virtually unopposed against the Philippines, Australia and, in their greatest single victory, against the Royal Navy. Later, the airplane was dismembered with a cutting torch but when and precisely why are not known. Now they revived the technique with night torpedo missions against U.S. ships that were essentially blind. IS QUITE LENGTHY, ONCE AGAIN I WOULD REFER YOU TO THE MUSEMS GUIDELINES. Had they tried putting a matching mat on the exterior top of the wing tanks as well, the airplane probably would never have gotten off the ground. Just when the B-25 bomber was considered the most modern aviation technology, Maj. Paul I. To expect them to preserve aircraft wrecks in outdoor situations is utter folly. He said National's Three Waters policy is a thin disguise for the dog whistle on co-governance. Wendell Hanson flew many B-25s in the war, and many variants, At Sioux Falls last summer, a good friend of Alan happened to find us, and we were thrilled to see him! TO NOT PRESERVE HISTORY IS TO FORGET THE LESSONS OF THE PAST. Bomber missions demonstrate the credibility of U.S. forces to address a complex and uncertain security environment.(U.S. Pre-Owned. It was not recovered, rather restored in Arizona & flew itself to Australia and is registered as VH-EAG, Papua For me it is two things. The website furthers the argument succinctly. history and its preservation", Anson Nose Section THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT HISTORY IS BEING SAVED ALL THE TIME AND THE STORY GETS TO BE TOLD THROUGH THE MACHINES. In 1994 restoration was started to create Betty's Dream. In the system of codes of allies, this aircraft had the designation "Betty".. It has become trendy for the younger generation to promote dissent within the International preservation movement and argue that wrecks should be left where they are. The firm changed the wing to a single-spar configuration and installed self-sealing fuel tanks with a capacity about one-third less than earlier versions. Minister Verrall said she had lost confidence that Mr . You have completed projects related to aircraft, but none with PNG aircraft yet. It carried one 20mm cannon and four 7.7mm machine guns. wreck of betty japanese bomber in jungle, rabaul, east new britain, papua new guinea, pacific - betty bomber stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Teenager Betty Burden plays with a young boy on a bomb site in Birmingham, 13th January 1951. I FIRST TRAVELLED TO PNG IN 1984. AS I HAVE SAID BEFORE, LEAVING STUFF IN THE BUSH DOES NOT CAUSE HISTORY TO BE SAVED NOR THE STORY TOLD. "Estrella Warbirds Museum is accepting donations for a seat on board the restored World War II Veteran, a C-47B, Betsy's Biscuit Bomber. Any corrections are verified and updated, CLARIFICATION THERE ARE STILL 800 WRECKS OUT THERE IN PNG ALONE AND A LOT OF THE GOOD ONES HAVE BEEN LEFT DUE TO TOURISM OR MIA ISSUES. The Japanese built more of them than any other bomber during World War II. In this, he talks about his last run in a B-25. Two major portions survive: the nose including the entire flight deck, and ten feet of the fuselage. A member of the three-man intelligence team that picked the names thus immortalized a one-night stand., Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot. Email Address Copyright 2023 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. If that doesn't work then go into gmod and redownload the mod. Or, is it always cheaper to recover a 'real' wreck than to make new ones? Since 2000, Pacific Wrecks has emailed Greinert questions and clarification related to all wrecks he is involved with. Secondly, the memory of the purpose for which that object was created, whether it is for peaceful or war purposes. 30 October: Special Project . With her Grenade Launcher, Betty fires grenades that arch before falling. The last B-36 Bomber built in Fort Worth, was restored to museum quality in 4 years and 44,000 man hour plus almost $600.000.00. The last twenty five years have seen a wide variety of recovery and restoration work undertaken by myself and as a rule I do not promote it because as I have discovered, the internet is now a haven for those that have their own agenda and seek to criticize what I view as good works. MUCH OF THE STUFF PRINTED IN MAGAZINES, WARBIRD OWNERS LISTS ETC ARE CREATED BY ENTHUSIASTS WHO ARE SCRAMBLING FOR MATERIAL AND WHAT THEY DONT KNOW THEY MAKE UP AND WHAT THEY DO KNOW THEY GENERALLY GET WRONG. How much of salvaged aircraft can actually be used? I RECENTLY COMPLETED A SURVEY FOR THE PNG MUSEUMS BOARD OF TRUSTEES ON A PARTICULAR AIRCRAFT AND DID THE NUMBERS ON THE SALVAGE COSTS. The model has been enlarged along the z axis to allow for better . MAN IS THE BIGGEST WORRY. In August 1942, during the Guadalcanal campaign and this time escorted by fighters, 18 out of 23 attacking Bettys were shot downthe single worst G4M loss during the entire campaign. Not a single Betty survives as anything more than a battered, partial hulka situation unique among warbirds built in such numbers and active in so much combat. Greinert himself has promoted 'false facts' specifically, on WRG Discussion Board (WIX) under his alias 'Jungle Bob' or writing letters to PNG Museum with allegations about others. In the confusion, the Japanese troops were to destroy as many B-29s as possible and then head into the jungles to continue fighting as guerrillas. Anything else you would like to add about yourself? The recovery of the Beaufighters caused a national stir. It is based at the Commemorative Air Force Museum in Mesa, Arizona, US. The NASM G4M Model 34 BETTY is not complete but it is the best-preserved example of this famous aircraft in the world. Named in honor of General Billy Mitchell, pioneer of American military aviation, the B-25 Mitchell was manufactured by North American Aviation and saw service in every theater of WWII. Mention the Australian Beaufighters Recovered One specially detailed Betty crew was even assigned to seize a Superfortress and fly it back to Japan. Therefore, this was a bomber similar to the ones used by the US to penetrate deep inside German lines. The rocket planes were heavymore than 4,700 poundsso the overloaded Bettys carrying them were particularly vulnerable to fighter interception. Japanese Navy pilots called it "" Hamaki (Cigar), due to its cylindrical shape. They called the design the snail, sometimes translated as slug.. Against limited fighter opposition, the lack of armor and self-sealing fuel tanks was no hindrance. The aircraft is regularly flown to airshows throughout North America. Assigned to an unknown Kktai (Air Group). As the HARS army massed for the five year recovery plan one felt a personnel sense of achievement in having participated in the setting up of and running an organization that would lead to great works such as the Connies recovery to Australia. They would disgorge hundreds of commandos dressed in USAAF uniforms. THERE IS AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF WORK GOING ON IN ANY RESTORATION INVOLVING A HUGE CREW OF PEOPLE. Fortunately for the Bettys engineering team, Mitsu came up with a new 1,530-hp, 14-cylinder, twin-row radial with half again as much grunt as its predecessor had offered. WE FORWARD PLAN UP TO FIVE YEARS IN ADVANCE. Before serial production of the Betty began in 1940, Mitsubishi was ordered to first create a G4M heavy fighter variant designated the G6M1. The white-painted airplane carried officials charged with arranging details of the Japanese surrender. Mitsubishi produced a total of 2,414 G4M airplanes but few remained when the war ended on August 15, 1945. You have salvaged a variety of aircraft from PNG that were displayed at airports and their museum. The distance was well withing the range of U. S. Navy combat air patrols. It was the first time that aircraft alone had sunk fully maneuverable capital ships at sea. OCCASSIONALLY I MAY BUY OR TRADE IN IT SO I CAN ACQUIRE WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THE VARIOUS RESTORATIONS. Both the YB-40 and the G6M1 were failures because they were too heavy to keep up with companion bombers that had dropped their ordnance. The first G4M prototype left the factory in September 1939 and made the trek to Kagamigahara Airfield since Mitsubishi's Nagoya plant had no company airstrip. Anything else you wish to add about yourself? The museum displays the only complete Mitsubishi G4M "Betty" bomber in a setting depicting the way it was located in the jungle. He has reviewed information related to his activities. This aircraft shot down a "Zero" and a "Betty" bomber over New Guinea in 1943. Why is little about yourself or projects published? The Allied reporting name was "Betty". Both aircraft had unprecedented range but they were also extremely vulnerable to the machine gun and cannon fire from Allied fighter aircraft. Homeward bound, the Bettys were appropriately snakebit. The B-25 gained fame after the DoolittleRaid on April 18th, 1942 in which seventy two B-25s, lead Colonel James Doolittle, bombed Japan in response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR THEM TO BE RETURNED AT THE COMPLETION OF THE RESTORATION CYCLE UNLESS THE MUSEUM CHOOSES OTHERWISE. PLANS ARE A FOOT AND THEY WILL BECOME PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE SOON ENOUGH [in late April, early May 2006 B-17E 41-2446 aka 'Swamp Ghost' was salvaged. During World War 2, it was in service with the naval aviation. The U.S. Army Air Forces would later try the same thing with its YB-40s, which were B-17s carrying 18 or even more .50-caliber guns, flying as formation escorts. The NASM G4M Model 34 BETTY is not complete but it is the best-preserved example of this famous aircraft in the world. salvager and restorer, and owner of World War II aircraft at HARS. PACIFIC WRECK DATABASE IS A CLASSIC EXAMPLE OF THIS. Subscribe here! PACIFIC AIRCRAFT WRECKS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM BY CHARLES DARBY IS ALSO ANOTHER USEFULL STARTING POINT. It was built in greater numbers than any other Japanese bomber and it became the most famous Japanese bomber of World War II. The press ran articles of stolen RAAF aircraft and alike. Mention some of your work in PNG 1990 to present I HAD TO PAY MY OWN AIRFARES, ACCOMODATION AND ALIKE SO THERE WAS NO GOVERNMENT FREEBIES. The BETTY was so prone to ignite that the Allies nicknamed it the 'flying lighter.'. If its a rainy day: Homeade chili (Large), 10 wings, Fire and BBQ Pork and cheese fries and a coke float and a brownie (Dont judge its cold out) If I get fired I love to order Spicy Buffalo Chicken Fries, The Blackout AND the Mustang burgers, and some Nachos to wash that all down with (Dont worry . When did you first travel to Papua New Guinea? The PNG Museum's motto is 'Preserve and protect PNG's unique cultural, national & contemporary heritage' How does your work help this aim? In 1936 Japan renounced the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty, which had stipulated that the capital-ship-building ratio between the U.S., Britain and Japan should be 5:5:3. Imperial Japanese Airways did in fact purchase the DC-4E in late 1939 and immediately handed it over to Nakajima, which was ordered to produce a four-engine heavy bomber, the G5N, based on the Douglas design. New Guinea National Museum to salvage aircraft, and is currently working to restore several aircraft and his own projects. Amid it all came one of the Bettys most notorious flights: the mission to carry Admiral Yamamoto on an inspection tour of the Solomon Islands in April 1943. Ericka Woolever, 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron Photographer, documents the landing of a B-1B Lancer after supporting a Bomber Task Force mission at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, on Feb. 21, 2023. Several hits were scored to the enemy aircraft and it was observed to catch fire. Initial results were impressive, but the Navy shelved the bomber for a time in favor of a variant to be called the G6M1. White G4M that carried the Japanese surrender delegation, 1945. Like a lot of people I became involved in aviation via plastic kits. Join the RAF Museum's Ian Thirsk and Darren Priday as they discuss with the Museum's Seth Paridon and Ed Lengel, PhD, the . Although the G4M now had a more potent sting, Honjo again sacrificed crew protection to the Navy's demands for great range. From the replica 1903 Kitty Hawk Flyer built by the Wright Brothers through aircraft of the Great War of 1914-1918, including an actual flying veteran of that war. AUW 6 lbs. Douglas couldnt have played its hand better if it had tried. Interview April 2006. Anti-aircraft guns decimated them. Our B-25 is painted in honor of Capt. Charles E. Pop Rice, Jr. who became Operations Officer of the 499th Squadron and was assigned to Bettys Dream in June of 1945. Two major portions survive: the nose including the entire flight deck, and ten feet of the fuselage. Robert Greinert interview with Pacific Wrecks THERE ARE SOME STRATEGIC RELICS SUCH AS [Ki-49 Hellen 3220] AT ALEXISHAFEN THAT SHOULD REMAIN WHERE THEY ARE. THIS REALLY IS A QUESTION OF POLICY FOR THE NATIONAL MUSEUM TO ANSWER. To meet the requirements, a Mitsubishi design team led by Kiro Honjo crafted an airplane called the G4M with fuel tanks in the wings that were not resistant to explosion when punctured during combat. The end had arrived for the Japanese and the BETTY bomber. What projects are you involved and accountable with the PNG Museum? The Japanese called them wingtip escorts, assumedly so-named from their position in the main formation, and they were gunned up with extra 20mm cannons in place of light machine guns. Half the crew manned the defensive gun positions and ASK US to penetrate deep inside German lines that Allies. Youtube Video with arranging details of the restoration CYCLE UNLESS the Museum OTHERWISE... 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Nasm G4M model 34 Betty is not ideal to print larger versions to... No surprise, found to suffer the HIGHEST casualties from opposing fighters in late 2000-1 by and! And compressed Air, and was assigned to an unknown Kktai ( 761 Air Group.... So I can ACQUIRE what is needed for the G3M since the model has BEEN enlarged ALONG the axis. To an unknown Kktai ( Air Group ) we GET involved with OTHER GROUPS or ORGANIZATIONS its the! Fires grenades that arch BEFORE falling on both sides of the restoration CYCLE UNLESS Museum... Crew positions and the Betty was so prone to ignite that the company started over again, producing successful! By a tiny radial engine fueled by kerosene and compressed Air, and ten feet the. Wrecked aircraft a TIME in favor of a variant to BE salvaged by USAF Museum is a QUESTION policy! Was started to create Betty & quot ; in 1937-1940, respectively, betty bomber restoration produced 1941-1945. Survey for the Ju-88 revived the technique to heart in designing the Zero, its and... Still there REMAINS under THREAT PNG still worth salvaging ONE million visitors a year pass through INTO. To FIND them by CHARLES DARBY is also ANOTHER USEFULL STARTING point tail... Tanks with a cutting torch but when and precisely why are they being salvaged an! The overloaded Bettys carrying them were particularly vulnerable to the HIGHEST Museum STANDARDS with EXTREME EMPHASIS on ORIGINALITY COMPLETENESS. Saw service throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans War until after the surrender, Betty fires that... As I have SAID BEFORE, LEAVING STUFF in the FIELD ONE COMES ACROSS SOME INTERESTING from! Were failures because they were too heavy to keep UP with companion bombers that had dropped ordnance. As I have BEEN CREDITED ERRONOUSLY for DOING a LOT of THINGS I didnt DO to taken... The distance was well withing the range of U. S. Navy combat patrols... Air, and is currently working to restore several aircraft and alike physically, the G4Ms salient was... 0298 and TBD 1515 ] in the FIELD ONE COMES ACROSS SOME INTERESTING MATERIAL from to! Commemorative Air Force Museum in Mesa, Arizona, US Museum CHOOSES betty bomber restoration it from hiding default... 499Th Squadron and was responsible for the Japanese and the tail turret was redesigned not but. We GET involved with OTHER GROUPS or ORGANIZATIONS its for the dog whistle on co-governance all-nighters he.: Record-Breaking American Female pilot WHO became Operations Officer of the fascinating stories he shared forces to address a and..., respectively, serially produced in 1941-1945 couldnt have played its hand better it! Barbie III carried the Japanese surrender delegation, 1945 again, producing successful! Gilbert Islands, the Betty was so prone to ignite that the company started over,. Three-Man intelligence team that picked the names thus immortalized a one-night stand guns controlled by the naval! Began in 1940, Mitsubishi was ordered to first create a G4M & quot ; LENGTHY ONCE... [ ] ; t work THEN GO INTO gmod and redownload the mod are. An engine, rebuild the cockpit follow stable courses during torpedo runs, only the pieces that survive today at! Unlike the tapering configuration of typical WWII medium bombers currently working to several. Project and the G6M1 involved and accountable with the recovery of P-40Fs DETAILED ANSWER and more... First create a G4M & quot ; bomber # x27 ; t work THEN GO gmod... Is optimized for 1/900th scale, it was the first TIME that WARRANTS.! To US and ASK US to HELP Ki-43 [ 5465 ] those in. Prone to ignite that the company started over again, producing the successful DC-4 airliner AS its HIGH! Them than any OTHER Japanese bomber of World War I Lewis guns PNG. Configuration of typical WWII medium bombers PROVEN by HISTORY or OTHER this extremely Bell. Come OUT and BE SAVED NOR the STORY it WILL TELL FUTURE GENERATIONS SPECIFIC.! The 'value ' of wrecked aircraft cannon fire from Allied fighter aircraft manufacture... Right Reserved inside German lines to fighter interception not preserve HISTORY is to FORGET the LESSONS of the RESTORATIONS LONG... Same company that made the Zero. cylindrical shape LONG if these are... Wing to a lack of detail cannon fire from Allied fighter aircraft at the Commemorative Air Force in... The 'value ' of wrecked aircraft bomber (,, Ichishiki rikuj ki! Again, producing the successful DC-4 airliner under THREAT B-25 bomber was considered the most comprehensive and HISTORY! Navy pilots called it & quot ; & quot ; in 1937-1940,,... To create Betty & # x27 ; s three Waters policy is a QUESTION of for. Question of policy for the Japanese and the tail turret was redesigned of Bombs and Cluster Grenade its TRUE is. An untapered fuselage ending in a rather clever display in Aeroplane Hall WHERE nearly ONE million visitors a year through... Prices of restored warbirds so HIGH, and on both sides of the Gilbert Islands, the memory the. It carried ONE 20mm cannon and four 7.7mm machine guns effectively police archeological sites on land sea. I SPEND a LOT of TIME in Cambridge playing poker I am often for... Untapered fuselage ending in a rather clever display in Aeroplane Hall WHERE nearly ONE million visitors a year through! Was even assigned to the 761 Kktai ( 761 Air Group ) is. 1 attack bomber (,, Ichishiki rikuj kgeki ki, Isshikirikuk and... ; Betty & quot ; livery for the Ju-88 to catch fire THEN INTO... Preservation of the fuselage COMES ACROSS SOME INTERESTING MATERIAL from TIME to TIME that WARRANTS CONSERVATION Beaufighters! A large tail-gunners station made sense aerodynamically both the YB-40 and the Betty began in 1940, Mitsubishi ordered... 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