What had just happened? Adam please hurry home.. David noticed it was a picture of Marie. The flashback of seeing her immediately transferred to the gruesome image of his little brother. What have I done to make him so angry? Mixed emotions began racing through his mind, rage foremost among them. Nooooo! Joe weakly screamed as he had no fight left in him for the attack on his body almost paralyzed him. Squeeze my hand Joe, come on. There was no reaction. He could only guess it was the nightmares. He then turned to Hoss. Well, as comfortable as he could be. He was facing a long day of chores alone. Thanks Adam. Joe softly answered. That was not the answer the older man wanted. Joe was trying as quickly as he could to recover, however, he found himself back in the monstrous, vice-like grip again. There we are. He finished. He wanted to tell his father but, it wasnt just fatherly advice he wanted. You dont even deserve to look like her! With that he once again whipped out his knife from its sheath, grabbed a handful of Joes hair and yanked his head backward and to the side. Adam looked skeptical as he gazed at Joe. He slowly lowered his body down beside his young son and began cooling Joes forehead with a wet cloth. Mama ma-ma mama.ma-mamama. The words barely escaped his slightly ajar mouth as he began to call for his mother, almost expecting her to come. Even as he grew up, the nickname stuck, and Hoss remained taller and larger than Joe. Seventeen-year-old Little Joe watched the summer sun peak over the tops of the pines as he stood by the pile of logs ready to be chopped. So, No! I didnt understand. Adam slouched forward as he looked up at Ben. Little Joe was speechless, however, words were not needed to see just how much he appreciated what they had done. Then the traveler in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Little Joe nestled his tiny head against his mothers bosom as he finally closed his weary eyes. Everythings gonna be okay. Adam frowned and was confused as to what Joe was talking about. Was he really mad at Adam? Adam help me. He knew his odds were not in his favor. At the tender age of five, hed watched her fall as she came galloping in on her horse. Just a slight wind beginning to rustle some of the upper branches of the pines. Ben walked back to his chair beside Joes bed. Marie had been unaware of his existence, as he would sit in the far corner drinking alone while listening to Marie De Marigny tell her stories. He tried to run, but he couldnt move. A few stray rays of light filtered through the branches and began to warm the ground where Joe stood. He wondered, What really happened? He heaved a deep sigh and continued. He held out his hands in front of him, slowly glanced down and became entranced with what he saw. Youre safe. Careful not to hurt his little brother, Adam pulled him close to his chest as he sat on the bed. Stories written by fans of the TV series Bonanza. Ahhhh! Joe cried out as his now beaten body had all but given up. I am sorry, Joe. Lots of drama and trauma for our handsome Joe. He simultaneously drew his gun and kicked Cochise to a full gallop. Where should he begin? Adam lowered his head and firmly rubbed his brow. Ben glanced over at Hoss, and with raised eyebrows answered. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. Hey buddy, come on. Adam tried this time, while the doc continued to change the dressing. Pa, I dont know what came over me. YouYour speaking again. Tears welled up in his eyes. The man was very drunk when we captured them and he confessed. Adam gently grabbed his younger brothers arm. . Now where is she buried? Davids stern voice and devilish eyes suddenly sent chills down Joes spine. He told me II didnt deserve Small tremors began jolting his body as his eyes darted around the room. Please, I need you! He squeezed his eyes closed as he begged for his older brothers return. Yes, Im trying, Adam sighed, straightened up and started once again pacing. Adam, it hurts so much. Joe, mamas dead. Maybe you didnt hear me. The mans enormous hand just about surrounded Joes throat while the pressure choked him, Where is my Marie? It was becoming very evident just how annoyed and determined this man was. Why did they want Maries body? Adam wanted to know, but he either had to wait for Little Joe or those thugs to provide him with the answers. He was not only dealing with an overgrown ape who had most likely bruised his legs, but now he had an angry, drunken mammoth. Joe suddenly grabbed Adam, NoooPl-ea-se. With what little strength he had, Little Joe attempted to tell Adam what had happened. Pa, do you really think he is that responsible?. Tears mixed with the blood on his tortured face. How I wonder what you are! Okay son, but if you need us we will be right downstairs. After receiving a nod from Adam, he and Hoss lingered just a moment before leaving the room again. Dark figures hovered over him while red raindrops began falling. Doc Martin followed belong behind him. You dont deserve to look like her. Sure son. He handed Joe the glass. With a lowered head he moved back into position and began swinging the ax again. Son, the doc has all the help he needs right now. With a firm grip, he drew Adam to his feet. Father and son kept a vigil until Little Joe finally settled. My..Ma-ma.. Adam and Ben scanned the room only to find Hoss sitting in the wing back chair by the window. Come on, buddy. He just stewed in the back, thinking about being back at the warm house, reading a book in blissful peace. Noooo. Ben C., Adam C., Hoss C., Little Joe C. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,462 - Reviews: . Oww!, Easy, buddy, Hoss jumped in. Shhh! It felt like bees were continually stinging his back where the pieces of glass from the decanter had dug into his flesh. Help.. Adam?, Are you okay, son? Even now, all these years later, the scene was so vivid every time he played it back in his mind. Sore? That was an understatement as part of his body felt like a pin cushion, other parts felt like they were on fire. I believe if it wasnt for Dubois finding his son with this, Joe would be a goner. He slowly handed Ben Maries slightly wrinkled picture as he scanned each mans watery eyes. His mother? What the hell are they talking about? You did all of the characters justis, especially Adam and Joe . Sparks fly, drama ensues. A-AdamA-Adam! Joe, its me son, Ben sat on the bed next to Little Joe, trying to reassure his son. It had been a beautiful summer day. He vaguely saw who gave him a towel, but slowly began erasing his crimson covered hands. The only conversation heard within the buggy was small-talk, for Little Joe seemed preoccupied with his surroundings as though it were the very first time he had been to the Ponderosa, but instead of feeling hurt, angry or scared, he was remembering and appreciating its beauty, its memoriesHis family. The wounds on his back from the glass will heal fine as will the scratches on his chest. So much blood, pa, and I didnt know what to do. Tears began to roll down his cheek as he stared at Ben. S-on, what are you doing? Im trying to hold on, Adam. Joes in good hands., Sure! Adam wiped his face on his forearm sleeve and began to exit through the door, but not before one last word. Youre in good hands. Not my Dax. This just cant be real Joe, Joe. We need to keep a very close eye on that. Bens reminiscing came to an abrupt end when Adam bolted upright from his chair, knocking it over as he hurried toward the door. Little Joe Cartwright Hoss Cartwright Hop Sing Roy Coffee Original Characters Past Relationship (s) Falling In Love Relationship (s) Family Fluff Family Drama Canon-Typical Violence Slow Burn Adam meets the new Virginia City school teacher. Dubois wiped the bloodstained blade onto Joes already soiled shirt and placed it back in its sheath. Hey! he hollered back at them. Take it easy son.. They had kept Dax home and tried to teach him what they could, however,when his wife died, Dax was devastated and stopped communicating. Menu. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. Ben was quick to check by placing the palm of his hand on his youngest sons forehead. I didnt let them take you. He then painstaking rested his head against her headstone, expelling all of his emotions. Here with us. You two heard what the sheriff said.. I cant just abandon him. Son,we promised, Ben softened his voice as he lay his hand on Adams shoulder. Martin began . Be patientwe all need to give it some time., Yes sir. He pursed his lips while peering over his fathers shoulder. Ben tried to sooth his son. He was to be her son, not you! I cant let them take mama, I cant! Ben gently placed his hand on Adams shoulder. Joseph. Ben called out to his youngest son now sitting on the settee. The radiant noontime sun flew in as the door opened wider. In the dark blue sky you keep,And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye, Til the sun is in the sky. Marie ever so slightly leaned to the side as she pulled her little boy closer and continued to rock. With his head down, Joe slowly walked back toward his waiting family. To the jail. He paused at the door, glowering back at his father. I need you to get over here so I can get some answers out of this piece of trash. The man stared back at Joe with the look of Satan in his eyes. Adam gently ran his hand over the young mans blooded mangled curls. Seeing both the excitement and sadness in his son, David Debois was more determined now than ever to bring Marie home. Son dont blame yourself. Adam, help!. Okay, Im done. The doc cleaned up his mess and tools. You need to eat. Shaking his head, he reminded the young man before exiting the room. Joe, come on look at me.. Uh yeah, lets go. Joe breathed in a breath of fresh ai,r remembering what Hop Sing had said to him just a couple of weeks earlier, when hed struggled to approach his father at the desk, his mind taking him back to the far different struggle hed faced at the hands of the monsters in his nightmares. Lets go home boys. Yes sir, he has three, Im the youngest. M-M-Ma A tiny tear rolled down the young mans face as his sad eyes met his fathers. He slammed his hands down on the arms of the chair, stood up and walked over to the window, pushing the curtain back to he peer out. Little Joe didnt even have to ask. You didnt deserve to have her as a mother. He just had to pull himself together for his little brotherfor Little Joe. It was a failed attempt. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. He wanted to yell, but he was frozen with fear. Um, well Im his son. Then gigantic hands latched onto Joes tan shirt. You are going to tell me just where Marie is buried!, NooooNever! Little Joe was delayed in answering as excruciating pain now radiated throughout his whole body. Doc Martin carefully turned Joes head to the right. I felt bad I had to leave him last night, however, there wasnt anything more I could do and he was resting comfortably. Do you know who these men are? He was even able to walk past the place on the floor where hed lain where his mothers picture had fallen when the intruders had invaded his home and changed his life.he could see it now without losing his breath and reliving it all over again in his head. Lets get to work boys. He turned toward Adam. Why? He couldn't help going for a ride on the way home. I felt obligated to repay her. He rubbed his face with both hands as he heaved a deep sigh. We are going to bring your mother home, no matter what.. It is up to the law now. Sudden fear built up within Joe as his body began to tense. Leaning over Little Joe the hostile intruder yelled, She either was or wasnt your mother, boy, now which is it, answer me! Turning toward the door he called out, Dax where are you son? When your mother died, I told you all about Marie and her stories, Remember? With a gentle hand David forced Dax to look at him, Remember how I told you she was going to be the one to read you the bedtime stories to make your nightmares go away? AS, BS or HS after the author's name means one of the other original cast characters costars.AR means the story presents an alternative to series canon but takes place in the familiar Bonanza old west world.AU means the story takes place in an alternative universe - modern, scifi, medieval, etc. Not. I love you. Tears now began to flow freely down both sides of his face as his closed eyes. My mother. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. Jimmy get Doc. . Suddenly Joe began to cry out in pain as Doc Martin was applying pressure on his right side while Charlie was tending to the left shoulder and, taking care not to cause more harm to his back. Understandably, the hardest hit from that tragedy had been Little Joe. The last time I saw that expression on him was when Marie died. He gently placed his hand on Bens shoulder. Suddenly there was pain excruciating pain. I am going to give him some laudanum. He set his medical bag down on the nightstand. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. Slow your breathing. The thundering vibration he heard and felt confirmed his nightmare as a large blurry figure sprinted toward him. Little Joe, come on wake up. Sure, the kid could get on his nerves and act immature, like a child at times, but like Pa said, He is only a boy, not a man like you. Youll be alright Joe I promise nothing will happen to mama, and I promise we will get these no good. His goal was to visit New Orleans one day. I want you to let me know how often and when these events occur. Do everything you can Doc. Dont worry Joe, Ill get them. His nostrils flared as he gritted his teeth. Joes fingers remained limp. Look what you made me do! Your mother was the best thing that ever happened to our family. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as . Th-ey. Adam those men, Joe, stop. He interrupted his brother. I.I froze. He couldnt hold it in anymore and a single tear slipped down his cheek. The sheriff is here and wants to speak to us. Ben told him as the sheriff came in through the door behind them. Heck they had both apologized right? Dax seemed oblivious. He, Adam Cartwrightthe man, Adam Cartwright, had a responsibility, for now it was up to him to take Pas place and take control of the situation at hand. Look at me when I am talking to you. Boys, this is good news. He looked at his two sons and smiled. You and that no good father of yours killed her!. Ben tapped Adam on the leg and changed the subject. Get some fresh air. He walked over to his chair by the fireplace with his morning coffee and sat down. Adam? He became a bit concerned about his older son. Hoss had to fight against tears of his own at seeing that. We need to keep that fever down., Yes, of course. He is in a perfect position for me to check his bandages.. With one stroke, the sharp blade sliced the left side of Joes face quickly drawing blood. My patience is running thin, so I suggest you tell me whether or not Marie DeMarigny is your mother, and where she is! Joe? Why am I wet? he thought feeling a bit disoriented. Hoss, North and South (by Writing Woman) . His ribs were still healing as were the other wounds. 58 Stories. Please come home. Why doesnt he trust me? He actually came here looking for you, Ben. He and Ben locked eyes as Bens eyes widened. Placing his hat back on his head, Adam took one last glance back at Joe. Joe leans against the side cabinet near the door and shuts the door with his broom. He drew Joe closer to his chest and allowed a few tears to roll down his cheek. As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveler in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Shhhh! Hoss wasnt that old and Ben was struggling himself, so Adam took it upon himself to care for his little brother. He was hurting, and feverish, but had seemed to be coming back to them. Voices, he heard voices. He shook his head violently, firmly rubbed his forehead as he took in a deep breath. His labored breathing had to be slowed to ease the pain. Doc Martin is here to check on you. How dare I say that about Marie after all she did for us for me. Thats it buddy.. He strolled over, sat down on Joes bed, and placed the cold cloth on his brothers forehead. fine. His sad eyes came in contact with his two brothers. You are my Little Star Little Joe. She kissed him on the forehead then glanced out the window at the stars on that clear night. Tears clouded Bens eyes, as he gently took the photo.Thank you, he said softly, his voice cracking. B. Brigitte Rau. Maybe Seth decided to come and see me.. Although he fully understood that the fewer setbacks Little Joe had hopefully the quicker he would healemotionally. Wildflowers Adam knew were what she and Joe had picked every summer. You must eat.. With every swing of the ax, he could hear his older brothers hurtful words. You dont deserve to look like her.She was just right there almost within his reach, and then .within a split second she was gone. Was Was? He reached down to gently lift his younger brother into his arms, and then carried him to the settee. Now where is she?, As pain now ripped through his head, Joe tried, hard as he could, to grab hold of the mans arms in an attempt to get him off, however, the stranger David Dubois -was too strong for him and Dax was now holding Joes legs to prevent him from kicking, so he was really fighting a losing battle. He looked down at Joe. And how do you expect to do it with that New Orleans monkey pick, handed down to you by your French quarter mother?. Little Joe knew he had to do something.anything, but what? He couldnt even remember seeing Adam cry before. All comments are subject to moderation before appearing in the Library and the Brandsters reserve the right to edit comments to remove spoilers before approving. Do you know what that means?, It means youre a man, fit to do a mans work. Ad-amhelp meHurtsAd-am.wh-ere are youple-ase come ho-me.Ad-am. His defeated body began ever so slightly to try to fight as tears flowed freely down his cheeks he took short, quick breathes. Completed wildwest bonanza littlejoecartwrightfanfiction +6 more # 2 The Wandering One by EmmyJo16 3.1K 57 19 Adam was about to get up when the doc held up his hand. Joe Francis. Ben carefully slid out of the bed. Maybe it has to do with me being the oldest. Resting. Adam set the cloth back into the basin and gave them his attention.He keeps saying my mama. It doesnt make sense.. The tears flowed down his face and lightly wet the pillow. I tried over the years to keep you out of trouble and I suppose I have. Cringing and holding on to his injured side, Joe tried to position himself to get a clear view of where his assailants were. Great tale and especially for your first one. the blood that had surrounded her head while she lie on the ground, so still. her.. Never! He bit his lower lip and squeezed his eyes shut. Youre safe and youre gonna be fine. Little Joe suddenly froze. Its gonna be okay Joe. How the hell can someone tell something like that to a kid? With tear filled eyes he glanced down at his little brother then laid his cheek on his curly hair. ,Joe..Joe. Not just you but Marie, too. His voice cracked. Think JoeThink. th-ey want her.. bo-dy. He exhausted himself and slowly let go of Adam, closed his eyes and let the tears just flow down his pasty cheeks and whispered . Oww. They were a family, always there for each other. How was he to make responsible, logical decisions with his baby brother critically lying there on the floor right there in front of him. Just what do you meanwas? The stranger began to drag Joe like a rag doll across the hard floor toward Bens desk. Let me go! He yelled as Hosss large hand briefly held Joes good arm. Tug. It seems to me he was responsible enough to get up early on his own to get the job done. A sickly moan was the only response he got. A Decrease font size. They had even smiled and laughed, so why then did he feel so rejected? His eye lids slowly opened then closed, opened then closed. Slow your breathing, Joe., Joe? His heart was pounding now, echoing through his head while tears escaped from his eyes. Im here for you buddy. Tears welled up in his eyes. S-he died when I was five years old. With flared nostrils he answered, fighting back tears at the memory. I might be able to answer that question.. Its Adam.. A bitter-sweet grin crossed his face and he slowly climbed down from the buggy as his family emotionally looked on. But theyd gotten through it. He had been the one lately who Joe had been out with, working fences and finding strays. Oh, my God Joe!Adam squeezed himself onto the bed next to Joe, and pulled him close to allow his little brothers head to rest on his chest. I want to check on those wounds of his for infection. After administering the medicine he began examining Joe. Mamas picture, Adam. Joe whispered. Joe stopped swinging for a moment as he searched his thoughts for reasons. Pa and Ikilled her. Placing his right hand on his abdomen Joe winced for his short rapid breathing was hurting his ribs and wound. Little Joe, you alright? A wave of concern stopped Hoss in his tracks. Noonooo He only paused for a fraction of a second, then, scraping every ounce of energy he had left, Joe screamed , Noooo! as he slowly rose and awkwardly ran toward them ready to fight. Adam looked up at Charlie, then over to Hank. What do ya got there son?. I bet youre really not able to do a mans job around here. Just listen to them complaining," Deborah said, smiling, as tears . It was a mess. He never ment to treat Little Joe that way. He knew Ben hated him to be late. He said wewe..stole mama from them. Joe began fiddling with the bed sheets. He told me the pa and I. Tears flowed freely as he glanced up at the ceiling. She. Joe, its only Hoss. Adam was quick to respond and was at his side in an instant. He should have been getting better by now as Doc Martin had said, however, just the opposite had been happening. Easy now.. SJS,JAM,ESA. It was going to be a long and bumpy road, and this was just the beginning. As for the mental standpoint, it was no doubt the untimely death of Marie. Answers his older brother wasnt sure he could give, although he could give support and love. He felt the wet blood as his throbbing shoulder met the desk. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for comfort.security. My Ma-ma, Little Joe mumbled again and Adam knew that he was dreaming. The riders ignored him. Adam, please help me. Short rapid breathes were becoming more frequent and more painful. What do you want? Grasping the mans thick arms, Joe tried to break free, but found it difficult without having leverage on the ground. Can you, My ma-ma. Joe was struggling to speak as he looked at his brother. Come on buddy, stay with me. Reaching down he grasped his brothers limp, bloody hand. Joe was just. It hurt Hoss so damn much to see his little brother like this. The strangers so-called boy looked more like an ape sitting atop what seemed to be a draft horse. God, I should have been here. Ben finished collecting the papers, began to neatly place them into his saddlebags and slowly rose from his chair. I have been no more mature than he. Who is your mother? The stranger demanded while shaking Joe. Hazel Eyes. Joe couldn't help it. They had his mothers tattered picture, fixed and re-framed in a beautiful gold European frame. 14 year old Joe Cartwright was just trying to do something nice for a friend. I let Joe down. I cant talk to Pa cause wellhes pa. They both made eye contact and chuckled. I know it is time consuming and takes a lot of work. Was he awake or was he dreaming? Please forgive me! Adam was exhausted and fell back in the chair, but continued to speak to his brother. He didnt notice Joe stirring. You dont deserve to look like her.Joe heard an annoying echoing in his head as the doc slowly took the dressing off. A Increase font size. Cleaning up had been the last thing on Adams mind, and both Charlie and Hank were too focused on looking after both Joe and Adam to bother with the mess left behind. Im sorry Joe. The rocker Ben had made with his own two hands when hed found out Marie was pregnant. Was his anger taking over his ability to think straight? Advice he wanted to know, but what curly hair not able to do something nice for a friend about. Feel so rejected glanced out the window I can get some answers out of trouble I... Be patientwe all need to keep a bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses close eye on that sickly was. Whole body cold cloth on his forearm sleeve and began to drag Joe like a pin cushion, parts... Sickly moan was the best thing that ever happened to our family going. Talking about mandatory to read all stories marked as do a mans work was so every! She lie on the bed next to little Joe nestled his tiny head against his mothers picture... 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