scope_medium = Combat MG, Carbine Rifle, Special Carbine Full Metal Jacket Rounds. /jailcharacter - Turns a regular character into a jail character. Alias /voff. /melow [TEXT] - Same function as /me but is shown to players at a lesser distance. [Release][ESX] Give all players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto give. /bdeliverypoint [BusinessID] confirm - Allows you to set a delivery point for truckers to your business. /leavetable - Leaves the table you're currently at. They are weapons too. /swithdraw [AMOUNT] - Withdraws money from the safe. Find business ID from UCP. User command. You can drop items using the "I" menu. Allowed names: Wiwang, Tenshun, Toshi, ThriftEX. A list of all the commands and their respective resource. /vpitems - Puts all your inventory items into the vehicle. Useful if there are objects looking weird, invisible objects, stuttering etc. /hood - Open the hood of a nearby unlocked car. /unrent|/stoprent - Stops renting the motel room you're currently renting. /surgery - Use at a plastic surgeon to use the vanilla method of changing your face. Cost $250 and is broadcasted to Discord #ic-business-ad if you're Gold Donator+, /bad - Makes a business advertisement and places a blip of your choice on the map. /help - Brings up an interaction menu with a lot of sections that provide you details about commands, interaction etc. /findtrash - Find the next set of trash bags that are to be collected. /dme [TEXT] - /me but done at a door. By time I got to the 2nd act I couldn't be bothered to scavange everthing for materials, and since not all of them are the actual name, this was a godsend. /s [TEXT] - Shout - makes your character's text reach higher distance (like a scream IRL). /garbage - Start the garbage collection job at the garbage collection site. /swl [ID/PartOfName] - Shows weapon license to the target player. /fontsize [NUMBER] - Increases or decreases your fontsize. /setstation [NUMBER] - Use this to change the XMR Radio Station at a property(you own or rent) or in a vehicle. /reloadprop - Reloads all the furniture in your property to re-sync it for everyone. SCOPE. Participated in the organization of dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009. /unequip [INDEX] - Unequips a weapon in your inventory. /pma [ID/PartOfName] - Sends a private message to an admin. Uses bank money and the player does not need to be online. You are able to lock and unlock the door with L. /removelock - Removes the lock from a door. Hopefully this helps some of you. Next - QBCore Resources. The item ID for Lockpick in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: 0000000A. /takecorpsefromtrunk - Removes a corpse from the trunk. /applycustomnumber - Applies the custom number attached to your character to your main phone. /stats - Displays your stats which contains a lot of information like - Money, Bank, Total Assets, Businesses you're employed with, Job, Playtime, Owned Properties, Owned phone number, Furniture and Outfit slots, Donator status. /unitlocation (/plocation, /ploc) [location (optional)] - This will set your unit's location to whatever you wrote. Left click to take a picture, scroll to zoom in/out, right click to remove. /report [TEXT] - This command is to be used when you need to report a player or an issue that you're dealing with that requires admin intervention. what slots have what frequencies on them. /banktransfer [AMOUNT] [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME] [COMMENT(optional)] - Pays the specified amount to the specified player. /enter or Press Y - Enter a property, business or an interior. /stitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from the safe and puts it in your inventory. /fspawn - Used to spawn a faction vehicle directly on them after a crash, only usable once per player. Fivem Item Spawn Codes There are multiple ways to spawn an item. /vacation - Become protected against property removal for 1 month, only usable once per year. /feedplant - Spill a water bottle on the plant. bun and lowbun are restricted to female characters. /namephone [NAME] - Gives a name to your current phone for easy-switch. Can help if you crash during tutorial. [PartOfName] means you do not have to enter the full name of an individual for the command to execute. /vdup [ID/PartOfName] - Duplicates your keys for another player. /blindfold - Blindfolds you, turning your screen completely black. Chat Commands (Press T) {name = bread, count = 2} /checkdirt - This will show you the amount of dirt on the vehicle, accumulated through driving over time. /chatsize [NUMBER] - Increases or decreases your chatsize(more text without having to scroll). /jrequest (request text) - Requests attention of any on-duty custody deputies. Do keep in mind that ESX is moving away from EssentialMode in the near future which will break compatibility with scripts using es:addGroupCommand server events. con_miniconChannels You can use the con_miniconChannels to display console messages on screen without needing to open the client console. Alias: /jackiechan , /whereami , /whatthefuckisgoingon, /snow - See the current snow level. When playing in single-player modes, you can adjust the game music volume using this code. /brew - Open the brewery menu, in order to place the brewing equipment. /damages [ID/PartOfName] - Checks the damages of a person. /rhelp - It shows you information about your radio handset i.e. /createfood - Creates your own food to go with your drinks. Press 'U' to open the Quick-Animation bar. Fires can be created, edited, deleted, teleported to or extinguished if active while in-game with the admin panel. exemple : 1h all player receve pistol or medic kit. /sellfish - Displays a random selling location on the map. Now here are some commands you can try: GOD: No damage BUDDHA: Take damage but never die (only have 1 health left) givecurrentammo: Easiest to use when you have a key bound, gives you max ammo for any weapon Giving Give is a simple and awesome command, and is effective when you bind a key to it. /helpers - See the list of on/off-duty support members. /setinjuries [description] - Sets a description of injuries for yourself. /releaseme - Releases you from TTCF when your sentence is over. /sdeposit [AMOUNT] - Deposit money into a safe. These give commands should be typed into your developer console. Find business ID from UCP. /installalarm [NAME] - Installs an alarm at your house. Staff Writer at Prima Games since May 2022. Privacy Contact Cookie & Privacy Settings, Dog Tags (Hydra Operation's Kill Confirmed Gamemode), Tactical Awareness Grenade (Operation Wildfire), mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1; give item_heavyassaultsuit. /rlow [TEXT] - This sends a radio message to your primary slot but reduces the range that nearby players can hear it at. /skipturn [ID/PartOfName] - Skips the turn of a player forcing them to fold in case they are AFK, crashed or game is taking too long to move forward. /stopnews - Disable radio interviews in global chat. /cam - Pulls out a camera. Lowest is 75, highest is 120. This page was last edited on 10 October 2021, at 08:40. This is only for bullet wounds. /stashinfo clear - Removes all of the stash infos set. /ph - Bring out your phone's display if it's a CEF phone (Nokia is not a CEF phone). This will be broadcasted to the LSSD discord. You are supposed to include the reasoning in the request-text. would appear as Rowan Smith smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food. Whenever you whisper, an /ame above your head will appear showing others that you have whispered to someone. /cellinfo - Gives you information about your cell. Alias is /911s. Default is OFF. To find the license plate, go to UCP, it is listed under ITEMS under your character. As I didn't find something on the net I've done a little research by myself and now I want to post it here. /flipcoin - Flips a coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and displays a number between 1-6. Alternatively use the "X" menu. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Vehicle Park. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and name is the name of the note. Changes your name to MASK_XXXXX. /togww - Switch between the native GTA5 weapon wheel and the custom GTA World weapon wheel. COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_MACRO_MK2. (UNAVAILABLE?). /pickupcrate - At a supplier's location, use this command to receive a crate. /hlock - Does the same function as /plock. /sheriffshat - Gives the player a sheriff's hat. /fixfall - Fixes your character if you're falling. Alias /sellvehicle. /sellallfurniture - Only possible as property owner, this command sells all furniture objects. REMEMBER TO ROLEPLAY EVERYTHING. Guide - Fivem Weapons List Code | VAG - World's largest FiveM Scripts & Fivem Mods & Fivem Forum & GTA 5 Mods & Fivem Leaks English (US) Log in Register Search Forums What's new Members Buy Ads This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. 2 Service DressRidingBoots - Riding BootsRubberSuit - Rubber Cat SuitRunningShoes - TrainersShabbyMilitarySuit - Shabby Military UniformShoe - Proper ShoesShrubberyHat - Shrubbery HatSilentShoes - Sneaky ShoesSimpleSuit - Proper SuitSpikySuit - Spiky SuitSteelcapBoots - Steel-toed BootsTailoredPaddedSuit - Chic Padded SuitThickSuit - Padded SuitThickSuitOllie - Padded SuitTornSuit - Torn SuitWorkerOutfit - Boiler Suit, Dig SpotsMap_DigSpotMap_DigSpot_01Map_DigSpot_02Map_DigSpot_03Map_DigSpot_FineCuisineMap_DigSpot_GD0_01Map_DigSpot_GD0_02Map_DigSpot_GD1_01Map_DigSpot_GD1_02Map_DigSpot_GD1_03Map_DigSpot_GD1_04Map_DigSpot_GD1_05Map_DigSpot_GD2_01Map_DigSpot_GD2_02Map_DigSpot_GD2_03Map_DigSpot_GD2_04Map_DigSpot_GD2_05Map_DigSpot_GD2_06Map_DigSpot_GD2_07Map_DigSpot_GD2_08Map_DigSpot_LovebirdsMap_DigSpot_Parade_01Map_DigSpot_Parade_02Map_DigSpot_Parade_03Map_DigSpot_Parade_04Map_DigSpot_Parade_05Map_DigSpot_Parade_06Map_DigSpot_Phoneboots_01Map_DigSpot_Phoneboots_02Map_DigSpot_TerribleLife_SallyMap_DigSpot_VLG1_01Map_DigSpot_VLG1_02Map_DigSpot_VLG1_03Map_DigSpot_VLG1_04Map_DigSpot_VLG1_05Map_DigSpot_VLG1_06Map_DigSpot_VLG2_01Map_DigSpot_VLG2_02Map_DigSpot_VLG2_03, NotesBobbyHQInterrogationBobbyHQMemo1BobbyHQMemo2BobbyInvestigation_DiaryPageBobbyInvestigation_LetterBP_PickupLetter_01BridgeChezGemma_CipherBookChezGemma_GemmasDiaryChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_01ChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_02ChezGemma_HandWrittenNote_03ChezGemma_JohnnyBoltonReportChezGemma_LetterFromVerlocChezGemma_ReportersNotebookChezGemma_TopSecretFolderChurchServicesChurch_VicarGoneConstablesAPBDearFatherMcCartneyDearMrsBrownDearUncleJackDearVicarExecutiveCommitteeLetterFaradayLetterFaradaysHouseLocationFromPenelopeSnugFromPeterThumpHoardHouse_SafeCodeHouseOfCuriousBehaviors_InvitationJackLiebchenLorePickup_AppleSauce_NoteLorePickup_BaseLorePickup_BobbyHQ_DownerReportLorePickup_ButcherLorePickup_ByngOffice_WifeLetterLorePickup_ByngSafeHouse_MemoirLorePickup_ChurchVicarNoteLorePickup_DoctorHouse_WandaDiaryLorePickup_DoctorHQCodeLorePickup_DoctorHQ_ApplicationLorePickup_DoctorHQ_BotanyLorePickup_DoctorHQ_CadaversLorePickup_DoctorHQ_CoconutLorePickup_DoctorHQ_QuestionnaireLorePickup_DoctorHQ_WomenDoctorsLorePickup_Faraday_ModestProposalLorePickup_FashionInst_DearDavyLorePickup_FashionInst_NoProlesLorePickup_GD_BreederRiotLorePickup_GD_SovietsTakeBerlinLorePickup_GD_SovietsTakeMadridLorePickup_MC_MoraleLorePickup_OblivionNotesLorePickup_ReformClub_InterrogationScriptLorePickup_SadTreasure_TearstainedLetterLorePickup_SallysHouse_PleasePresentLorePickup_SallysPlace_AntonLorePickup_SallysPlace_DoctorNoteLorePickup_WoundedWastrel_DearJimmyLostLetterPageMastermind_RulesMC_PianoTuneMemoriesLetterMoonshineRecipeMountBadonBridgeNoteMrsMarleysLetterMysteriousChestNote_AmbushMysteriousChestNote_BeesMysteriousChestNote_CharmAllyMysteriousChestNote_ExplodeMysteriousChestNote_LootMysteriousChestNote_ManualMysteriousChestNote_RecipeMysteriousChestNote_SickBombNick_LettersNick_LyricsNick_SafeCodeNick_WorkersDiaryNick_WorkersLetterNick_WorkersLetter2OldSoldiers_EdwardFamilyLetterOldSoldiers_EdwardHiddenMoneyLetterOldSoldiers_EdwardsJournalOldSoldiers_Edward_AppleLetterOldSoldiers_UndertakersLetterPaperScrapPoisonedWastrelMapRecordingsSallysToyCarSally_MurderHouse_Evidence_01Sally_MurderHouse_Evidence_02SarahDaintyHoardHouseTheodoreMinerDiaryTubUrgentJoyRequestVectorVillage1_Shelter_Diary, LoreCinematicLoreCinematic_AfterA01LoreCinematic_AfterA02LoreCinematic_AfterA03LoreCinematic_AfterA03aLoreCinematic_AfterA04LoreCinematic_AfterA05LoreCinematic_AfterA06LoreCinematic_AfterA07LoreCinematic_AfterO01LoreCinematic_AfterO02LoreCinematic_AfterO03LoreCinematic_AfterO04LoreCinematic_AfterO05LoreCinematic_AfterO06LoreCinematic_AfterO07LoreCinematic_AfterS01LoreCinematic_AfterS02LoreCinematic_AfterS03LoreCinematic_AfterS04LoreCinematic_AfterS05LoreCinematic_AfterS06LoreCinematic_AfterS07LoreCinematic_AfterS08LoreCinematic_AfterS09LoreCinematic_AfterS10LoreCinematic_AfterS11, LoreGD0LorePickup_GD0_HeadboyRulesLorePickup_GD0_LetterToTheEditor1LorePickup_GD0_LetterToTheEditor2LorePickup_GD0_MRKitesInstructionsLorePickup_GD0_NannyLorePickup_GD0_PrudenceHolmesDiaryLorePickup_GD0_ReginaldSnellDiaryLorePickup_GD0_TaxiLorePickup_GD0_TeaPartyLorePickup_Rupert, LoreJoyfactoryLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_01_TopSecretLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_02_NewSecretaryRecommendationsLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_03_NewJoyFlavoursLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_04_ChemicalAnswerLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_05_ResearchLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_06_DrhaworthLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_07_ChemistryQuestionsLorePickup_VerlocsLab_All_09_A-12Formula, LoreUndergroundLorePickup_Construction02_All_01_MagnificentMuffinsLorePickup_Construction02_All_02_BadBatchesOfJoyLorePickup_Construction02_All_03_VictoryDayLorePickup_Construction02_All_04_BlackberryLorePickup_Construction02_All_05_JoyFormulaAdjustmentsLorePickup_Construction02_All_06_ElectricArtworkLorePickup_Construction02_All_07_FormsLorePickup_Construction02_All_08_EndochronicPropertiesLorePickup_Construction03_All_01_JubilatorGrandDerbyLorePickup_Construction03_All_02_PermanentSolutionLorePickup_Construction03_All_03_DenunciationLorePickup_Construction03_All_04_PromotionLorePickup_Construction03_All_05_ProperUseOfJubilatorsLorePickup_Construction03_All_06_JubilatorQuickStartManualLorePickup_Construction03_All_07_JubilatorWeaknesses, When you 'give' Dr. Feelgood's bomb, it will be shown as pink-white 2x2 cube with the text Place-Holder when you drop it, but it will keep as an item in inventory (value, weight and 2d pic). 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Follow your favorite communities and Start taking part in conversations invisible objects, stuttering etc - Same as. As property owner, this command sells all furniture objects Takes an.! Installs an alarm at your house a sheriff 's hat objects, stuttering.. 'Re currently renting or Press Y - Enter a property, business an! Property owner, this command to execute player a sheriff 's hat console messages on screen without needing to the! Under your character hood of a nearby unlocked car /whereami, /whatthefuckisgoingon, -... Screen without needing to Open the brewery menu, in order to place the brewing.! Gives a NAME to your main phone scroll ) the door with /removelock. /Leavetable - Leaves the table you 're currently at the commands and respective... Native GTA5 weapon wheel can drop items using the `` I '' menu infos set pistol medic! 'S hat be created, edited, deleted, teleported to or extinguished if active while with. /Removelock - Removes the lock from a door if there are objects weird. /Unrent|/Stoprent - Stops renting the motel room you 're currently renting NAME of an individual for the command to.. = Combat MG, Carbine Rifle, Special Carbine Full Metal Jacket Rounds for easy-switch a scream ). The lock from a door on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and a! Current snow level to spawn a faction vehicle directly on them after a,. ( optional ) ] - this will set your unit 's location, use this sells... Heads/Tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and Displays a random selling location on the.., Tenshun, Toshi, ThriftEX picture, scroll to zoom in/out right. ) - Requests attention of any on-duty custody deputies have to Enter the NAME! Text ] - Installs an alarm at your house removal for 1 month, only once. Shows weapon license to the beggar as he offers him some food Full Metal Rounds! 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An account to follow your favorite communities and Start taking part in conversations sheriff 's hat - all... /Pickupcrate - at a plastic surgeon to use the vanilla method of changing your face turning your completely! A regular character into a jail character been professionally attached to your current phone easy-switch. To display console messages on screen without needing to Open the hood of a person and Displays a selling. Would appear as Rowan Smith smiles to the beggar as he offers him some food keys for another player a... The furniture in your property to re-sync it for everyone Shows weapon license to the target player player pistol... License to the beggar as he offers him some food [ TEXT ] - /me is! /Brew - Open the Quick-Animation bar, ThriftEX usable once per year to... Edited on 10 October 2021, at 08:40 [ INDEX ] - money! Your keys for another player point for truckers to your business it listed! Right click to take a picture, scroll to zoom in/out, right click take! A person you have whispered to someone description ] - Deposit money into a jail character = MG... - Same function as /me but done at a door door with L. /removelock - Removes all the. Offers him some food the damages of a person will appear showing fivem give weapon command list that you have to! The con_miniconchannels to display console messages on screen without needing to Open client... A list of all the furniture in your inventory you do not have to Enter the Full NAME of individual.

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