In order to create a melon that is fit to eat, watermelons require around one hundred days of warm weather. If you're planting in rows, leave 6 feet between the rows. It can be hard to tell if your watermelons are ripe and unlike other plants that produce an abundance of fruit, you dont want to waste any of your precious melons by cutting into them to check. If adequate light is provided transplants should be ready in three to four weeks. 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Have you ever cultivated watermelons with any degree of success? A granular organic fertilizer should be used as a side dressing once every three weeks, and the plant should be kept well-watered. Taking just 70 days to mature, these watermelons have an outer yellow skin but a pink flesh inside. This watermelon has a crisp, sweet red flesh is seedless with an excellent flavor. The long, hot summers in a tropical climate provide the perfect environment for watermelons. Alabama ranges from USDA plant hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados. The South's production season is similar to Georgia, starting in either late May or early June. Alabamians are fortunate to have a mild climate that allows harvesting cabbage and kale throughout winter and juicy, giant tomatoes during the long summer. For a successful garden, you must control insects. Mulching with black plastic or straw around the plants will serve multiple purposes: it will warm the soil, hinder. The beginning of the summer has gotten off to a sluggish start, but fortunately these cucurbits grow quite quickly under the appropriate conditions. Its typically a range like 80 to 120 days. In reply to What I have learned growing by ane (not verified). This is on the smaller end of the scale and thus can be planted closer together. Melons in general thrive in the heat, and watermelons are no exception. Peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and parsleycan now be planted all over the state. And, if you happen to have an abundance of watermelons all ready at the same time, then you just might become a popular neighbor. Just watch out for rot that can be caused by too much moisture. Once they are at this crucial stage, pay attention as they only have about a two-week window to be picked. When to plant watermelons As mentioned above the soil should be at least 60 F, but it needs to be consistent. The beginning of March and the beginning of August are the two ideal seasons to plant seeds for watermelons. Use cold frames for tender, cool-season vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Swiss chard, lettuce, mustard, onions, radishes, and turnips. If availability of transplants is limited in spring, its really limited in late July and August, when you need to begin establishing these guys in the garden. Know your area. Plant the seeds of the watermelon in a potting mix that does not include any dirt. The best collard greens growing environment is one with moist, fertile soil. After waiting up to 80 days, your watermelons will finally be ready. What month do you plant watermelon? Use a soil thermometer. Varieties of Watermelon Planting watermelons should not be done in a hurry; instead, you should wait until the air temperatures remain stable between 70 and 80 degrees, which is around the same time when peonies start to blossom. It does not matter what kind of plant you intend to cultivate in your containers as long as you place them in a spot where they will be exposed to at least eight hours of direct sunlight each day. The straw will try to turn the length of the melon. Sow 3-4 seeds 1 inch deep, 4-5 feet apart. Sow seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep outdoors or 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep in seed-starting pots indoors. Transplant Outdoors: 2 weeks after the last frost date. The plants can tolerate some partial shade, particularly in hotter climates, but plenty of sun is necessary to develop the sugars in the melons. Wait until there is no danger of frost and the soil reaches 70 degrees Fahrenheit before planting. Black watermelon seeds in 11cm, 2009 crop. A soil test is the best way to determine lime and fertilizer needs. When the plant is young, just cut off the end buds as they form (before the side shoots become vines). Those modest yields from such large plants are nothing to get excited about if you dont have a lot of area to work with. Radishes. They often begin producing male flowers several weeks before the females appear. It is very common for plants in the same family to share diseases, making it very important to rotate crops. Water well with seaweed emulsion after planting. They generally ripen over a two-week period,so keep your eye onthem. 5. Finally, if you want a really unique type of watermelon, try the Moon and Stars heirloom variety. Plant watermelon seeds in the garden when the soil temperature reaches 70F (21C), usually 2 to 4 weeks after the last frost in spring. In Alabama especially, watermelon lovers need to be aware of the many pests that might try to make a home on your watermelon such as: spotted and striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs and aphids. Once watermelon vines begin to produce blooms, the important factor in determining whether or not there will be fruit is pollination by bees. Plant the seeds about half an inch to an inch deep, spacing each set of two or three seeds 18 to 24 inches apart. Published at 7:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time on June 8th, 2017 I believe that summer has finally arrived, despite the fact that it got off to a shaky start. Watermelon vines grow huge and will cover a large area, so leave a lot of space for them. Pruning generallyisnt necessary for watermelon plants, but vine productivity may be improved if you do not allow lateral (side) vines to grow and stick to the main vine. Wait until about two weeks after the average last frost date for your region to plant warm-season crops. There must be 6 seeds in each hill. To be effective, the lime must be mixed into the soil before planting. The small mini-melons that have become popular over the past few years can be spaced closer, such as 13 or 14 square feet per plant. Try some Sorbet varieties if youre interested in seedless options. They include weed killers that will harm any fruit or vegetable plants they come into contact with. Know your zone. The best thing to do is start seeds inside and wait until the soil is properly warm and then transplant them outside. The best time to plant watermelon seeds is from late spring to early summer, or when the soil temperature reaches 70 degrees or above. Producers looking for an early watermelon can try getting a head start by growing transplants. However, the soil should be able to drain properly so that it doesnt become waterlogged. Conduct a soil test before include any compost or fertilizer in order to determine whether or not your watermelon plants require additional nutrients and, if so, in what amounts. Naturally, you should select a kind of watermelon that was developed particularly for growing in containers. This website uses cookies to collect information to improve your browsing experience. How do you grow potatoes in Alabama? We Provide 20 for you about when to plant watermelons in alabama- page 1 New User? Choose a patch of your garden that is in full sun. A juicy piece of watermelon on a hot summer day is a dream come true. If you live in an area of Alabama within USDA plant hardiness zone 8, you can grow Mexican avocados that are hardy down to 19 degrees Fahrenheit; however, you must provide the avocado some protection. If all goes according to plan, you should be eating crisp and juicy watermelons from your garden by the month of August. Trade and brand names are given for information purposes only. If you live in an area of Alabama within USDA plant hardiness zone 8, you can grow Mexican avocados that are hardy down to 19 degrees Fahrenheit; however, you must provide the avocado some protection. Although the months of May and June are typically considered to be the finest for planting, the optimal time to sow seeds directly in your garden might vary from place to place depending on the environment. Watermelon does best when directly sown once soil temperatures reach 70. Lights are very helpful and can be put on a timer to provide 14 to 16 hours of light each day. It is best to avoid getting the leaves moist. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. If adequate light is provided transplants should be ready in three to four weeks. I cannot speak highly enough of the Watermelon, Bush Sugar Baby 1 Pkt. Peter Krumhardt. The Arbequina olive is ideally suited to Alabama's climate. Alabamians are fortunate to have a mild climate that allows harvesting cabbage and kale throughout winter and juicy, giant tomatoes during the long summer. To begin with, watermelons need very warm soil, so if your winter is lasting longer than you would like, be sure to start your seedlings inside before transplanting them after the threat of frost has definitely passed. Use biosensitive insecticides as your first choice to treat for insect problems in the garden. Space onion plants 6 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. Early morning harvest, before vegetables absorb heat from the sun, is best for most vegetables. All rights reserved. The species Cucumis melo is responsible for both forms. Check with your local store to see if your favorite plants are in season. If the mild temperatures that have been seen in the late fall and winter in previous years persist, Santa may bring you a watermelon this year as a gift. If crop rotation is not possible, Extension professionals recommend planting watermelons with the most disease resistance possible. Cooperative Extension System operates as the primary outreach organization Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. Light. Plant the seeds in rows or hills, with the goal of ultimately spacing the young seedlings a few feet away from one another. Sunlight is best, but supplemental light can be added. Watermelon can be seeded or seedless, hybrid or open-pollinated; Watermelon has been grown in the United States since the 16th century after being introduced in Florida and quickly spreading across the country; Total U.S. yearly production is approximately 40,000,000 pounds, making it one of the top three fruit and vegetable crops grown in the U.S. Make sure the soil temperature is at least 70F. Kathy, it sounds like you may be describing Black Diamond watermelons. Give cantaloupe plenty of room to grow. In central Florida, the watermelon season starts exactly one month later, from mid-January to March 15, while in northern regions of the state, a planting time of February 15 to April 15 is best. Essentially, create hills of dirt and then plant the seedlings in these hills. This is due to the fact that after the watermelon vines have reached their full development, it will be tough to get among the vines to pull weeds. The soil should be well drained and free of harmful chemicals, oil, ashes, mortar, etc. In this case, simply pinch off any extra buds. Inside, youll find a dark red flesh. Space onion plants 6 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. It typically takes about five calendar weeks for a watermelon to go from flower to ripe fruit. While there is a small, two-week window to pick your ripe watermelons, there are a few methods you can use to make sure they are perfect and juicy. With this in mind, the best time to plant watermelon will depend on where you are in the state. Enter your zip code, city, state, or address in the field below to find a Bonnie Plants retailer in your area. Now is the time to plant watermelons on raised beds that have good drainage and are supplemented with compost. Watermelons are 90%water. When to Plant Watermelons The growing season may not be warm enough in some northern areas to produce nice watermelons from seed. My zone is 7b. If beans, okra, cucumbers, etc., are left to mature fully, the plant will stop producing. The biggest consideration with a dry climate is that watermelons need plenty of water. Getting ready to plant some melons | Conduct a pH test on your soil to find out its level. By late summer, they should be just about ready to harvest! that ensures all people have access to information that improves their quality of life All Rights Reserved. Watermelons can be a great crop for home production, as well as commercial production. Both are needed to set fruit and there are fewer female flowers compared to male, about one female for every seven males. Two transplants should be planted on each hill if the seeds were grown indoors or from seedlings obtained from a nursery. Find a retailer. Potatoes. If you arent careful, you can find yourself severing vines by accident, or you might even tread on them! Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. (40 seeds), therefore please do not hesitate to get it. Then, make sure there are plenty of nutrients in your garden. Growers in north Alabama are about a month to a month and a half behind, says Schavey. Vine borers and cucumber beetles are two pests in particular that you need to keep an eye out for. Trade and brand names are given for information purposes only. These smaller, spherical types, which resemble iceboxes, weigh only six to ten pounds, making them easier to handle than the longer, bulkier varieties that are sold in grocery stores. The best time to direct seed plant watermelons is when soil temperatures have warmed up to 70 degrees. Plant a few of each variety of plant, then space them out. If direct seeding outdoors, sow 4 to 6 seeds per hill, eventually thinning to 2 to 3seedlings. Everyone seems to love juicy watermelon in the summertime. Each watermelon hill should be spaced 3 to 4 feet apart from the other, and each row of watermelon hills should be spaced 8 feet apart. One of the best ways to tell if your watermelon is ripe is by gently knocking on it. Plant some seeds in the backyard garden. If the transplants are stretching out tall with long internodes from one leaf to the next and not as compact as you like, then it is probably not getting adequate light. Learn how to support pollinators in your garden, Watermelon Basket With Honey Lime Dressing, Ordering Garden Seeds (and Getting a Jump on Spring! You can also pinch off some blossoms to focus the energy on fewer melons (though its a challenge to kill off a potentialfruit). Plant onions in early spring once the ground is workable. Nevertheless, gardeners in colder areas can still have success producing watermelons by beginning seeds indoors, acquiring young plants from a nursery, or cultivating kinds with a shorter growth season. Watermelon seeds should not be started earlier than they need to be. Its possible to start planting as early as March if you live in a warmer environment. Young watermelon plants can also be bought from nurseries. It is recommended that each plant has 24 to 30 square feet to produce the best melons. Like most crops, watermelons should be planted on a well-drained site, and should not be planted in a low spot that is susceptible to flooding or on land with poor internal drainage. For South Alabama, make spring plantings approximately 10 days earlier and fall plantings 10 days later. Set tall plants deeper in the ground than they grew originally. What you need to know about watermelon. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. This container watermelon has compact vines, which is a desirable trait. Place a layer of black plastic mulch on top of the bed, and then poke holes in the plastic. The best practices in disease control are rotation, clean seed, resistant varieties (when available), early planting, plowing under old crop debris, mulching, and seed treatment. Planting Watermelons ( Citrullus lanatus) are warm-season crops that grow best at average air temperatures between 70 and 85 F. Avoid Standing Water: Watermelons are native to a desert region, and do not like standing water. If its half-dead, the watermelon is nearly ripe or ripe. A solid thump sound meant ripe. Tuscaloosa, Alabama is in USDA Hardiness Zones 8a. Both Yellow Doll and New Orchid have skin that is yellow in hue, although Yellow Doll is the smaller of the two. Plant these after there is no longer a chance of frost occurring; they are very tender. Can you plant tomatoes in July in Alabama? Plant watermelon from late spring to early summer, once soil temperatures reach 70 F or above. If you have any questions, give us a call at your local Extension Office. Read and heed it for effective use and safety. Watermelon vines that are healthy produce between two and four melons on each plant. During long dry periods, soak the garden thoroughly once a week; dont just sprinkle daily. 2022 - Rusty Glover Both honeydew and cantaloupe can be planted between the 15th of April and the 16th of June, and then again from the 1st of August until the 31st of Skip to content Rusty Glover Tips | Recommendations | Reviews Alabama Our privacy policy Cookie agreement Author Alabama No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Plant watermelon from late spring to early summer, once soil temperatures reach 70 F or above. Heres how to grow and harvest watermelons in yourgarden. Cucumbers. In zones 7 and 8, sow watermelon seeds and plant seedlings in mid-April. When to plant spinach in alabama? Sowing seeds Watermelon can be direct seeded in areas with a long, warm growing season but in more Northern climates it should be sown indoors and transplanted. Watch the local forecast and err on the side of caution! Fertilize again once the fruit has just emerged. Plant outside 2-3 weeks after your last frost date. Out of the 44 states that produce watermelons, Texas is one of only five states that consistently leads watermelon production in the U.S. Make sure your backyard is friendly to bees and include plenty of other flowers they love to entice them to visit your garden. The optimum growth temperature at night is from 18C -21C, then during the day is 25C -31C and for ripening, you have 16C -26C. In order for watermelons to reach their full size, they need plenty of food. When the seeds have developed into seedlings, you should thin them down so that there are only three seedlings remaining in each hill.3. How many watermelons do you get per plant? This might be a challenge when planting watermelons. Press on it. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. We've created an in-season produce calendar for Alabama so you can easily see when it's the right time to find the freshest cantaloupe or watermelon, or if you've missed citrus season. Phoenix dactylifera is very easy to grow and maintain. Plant the newly separated offshoot in its own pot and water the soil thoroughly. I would be so thrilled to get some melons hanging like that. Field below to find out its level over the state garden thoroughly once week! So thrilled to get it so keep your eye onthem of fact, quite a bit of.... Be describing black Diamond watermelons as early as March if you live in a tropical climate provide perfect... Each day March and the soil should be eating crisp and juicy watermelons seed! Thrilled to get excited about if you have any questions, give us a at. Use biosensitive insecticides as your first choice to treat for insect problems in the same to! As your first choice to treat for insect problems in the ground is.... 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