221 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435. That being said, we found ourselves wishing Winston had created more of a difference in these two rods. Its a great rod, and one I know Ill be adding to my own collection as soon as I can find one for sale near me. You must log in or register to reply here. Connect with him on Instagram/Twitter, @Spencer_Durrant. My guarded expectations were blown away by this model. For a good long while, I didnt find a modern Winston series that fished better than my trusty old 9 5wt B3x. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 100% of our funding comes from your gear purchases, so if this blog post helps you on your next fly fishing adventure, please support us by buying your gear from us. Trust a secure online experience at MontroseAnglers.com, 970-249-0408 The lightness is striking. One final upgrade to highlight in the Air 2 rod is the new light wire guides with ECO slick coating. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. In laymans terms, Winston took the variables that affect accuracy weight, material stability, and material patterns and updated them to produce an outstandingly accurate rod. Winston AIR 2. While most of my presentations were within 30 feet, we found that the Air performed well at all those trouty distances and handled longer presentations with ease.The Air 2 is at its core - a Winston. At the longer distances, this rod combines the classic Winston dry fly feel with the forgiveness of nanotech in the blank for a simply superb dry fly specific rod. Photography By: Jason Shields Feel confident that the fly will drop where you point the rod and not six feet up in the bush. When you can only bring one rodthe amazing new Boron AIR 2. Casting with no effort, it pushes the belly of the fly line out in front so it pulls the tapered head through the presentation with plenty of line speed to turn over a long leader. The AIR 2 felt like the B3x, butbetter. With a strike indicator and nymphs, the rod stays connected to its line for a powerful, smooth, efficient cast. Shorter headed lines tend to bounce or disengage. This is a variation of a fly tied by Jim Misiura. We were lucky enough to cast most of the rods in the series with a variety of fly lines heres what we found. The rod holds back tremendous reserve power which unleashes naturally when more line is aerialized. This is a wonderful length and line weight for the Air 2 series, a configuration that makes a ton of sense in a fast action fly rod. What Doesn't Wind Most presentation rods don't do well in the wind. Casting with no effort, it pushes the belly of the fly line out in front so it pulls the tapered head through the presentation with plenty of line speed to turn over a long leader. Its light at all stages of the cast, too, which makes it just wonderfully pleasant to use all day. The 8' 4wt didn't really fit into the series as well as the other rods we cast and we felt it was pretty similar to the Pure. Winston Air 2 Fly Rod Review | On the Water with Telluride Angler Telluride Outside 966 subscribers Subscribe 3.2K views 1 year ago COLORADO Telluride Angler's John Duncan field. Streamer fishing in Montana, New Zealand browns, nymphing on Upper Sacramento, stoneflies on the Yakima, wherever youre going, this rod is a grade-A option. The Air 2 96 6-weight has an immaculate, progressive flex profile. Its hard to make a bad cast with this rod. Series Overview: Winston designed these rods to be 'do-it-all' freshwater fly rods. March is here, spring is Near - Vince Herrera, Rocky Mountain National Park Fishing Report. BENT SINCE 1929 Its truly a do-it-all fly rod. R.L. Ryan McCullough stood next to me and we watched his son Josh and my buddy Mike Kingsbury throw fruitless cast after fruitless cast. This resin also allows Winston to use a little less material in their blanks to reduce overall weight while increasing strength and preserving the feel of the casting stroke in a wide range of fishing scenarios. Get your Winston Air 2 now in-store and online at Troutsflyfishing.com. Any fellow parents can relate to that big exhalation of relief when you have some time to yourself. Really, the only big knock I have against the AIR 2 is its price tag. Last week, we spent some time on the water with the all-new Winston Air 2 fly rod and we couldnt be more impressed. Big mends and high sticking are cake. Lines: SA Amplitude Anadro Fly Line, Royal Wulff Triangle Taper Floating Fly Line. Sage fly rods are often fast-action high-performance rods that are powerful, strong, and durable on the water. All those great rods, very tough group to compete with. The bugs were small, dark, and only came off when the weather turned sour. In spite of its fast action character, it possesses wonderful roll casting and line mending qualities along with the tippet protection you would expect from any Winston. The Air 2 9 6-weight is like a horse that knows how to finish a race. With a little more feel than a 12 weight, this 11 will make pinpoint presentations when a pack of silver kings are bearing down on the skiff. Beyond 25 feet, its a dream. In some circles the talk of resins may make one cozy up on a couch, but the new custom resins Winston is using for the Air 2 series is something to get excited about. Fast action rods are designed for such rivers and generally catch more fish under demanding conditions. It was still at its wintertime flows, both the current and the fish barely moving. First offered in 1989 as a limited edition 60th Anniversary model, the Tom Morgan Favorite Rod has proved to be so popular it has remained a Winston customer favorite for the last 30 years. It can be tied in sizes 10 - 20. I cant figure this out, I said. We are not a blog or a review site. These rods are built for the fish with Giant, King, or Monster in the name. Simply match a lines grain window to the appropriate Alpha model to suit your needs and fishing styleALPHA+ rods are extra reinforced in the ferrule for ultimate lifting power, to turn fish away from heavy cover, and support all-day casting with big flies and fly lines. Like the 96 4-weight, this model is a deadly fishing tool in the appropriate arena. Their rods are the product of over 85 years of die-hard anglers and fly rod innovation. What surprised my buddy and me the most, though, was how quickly it got line out there. Sign up for our Newsletter, a monthly dose of new ideas and exclusive deals on great gear, sent directly to your inbox. Boron technology in the butt section gives ultimate fish fighting power, and the cigar grip allows anglers to put their index finger on the blank for more feel. Light in hand, and extremely responsive, these 7 weights are becoming the go-to for dedicated bonefish anglers worldwide. There is no asterisk. The mid and butt sections are super springy, making it a joy to cast and exceptional in all those on-the-water techniques that contribute to a prodigious day on the water. Here at the Madison River Fishing Company, we are proud to represent our neighbors. More accurate, lighter, and surprisingly, it threw line with more backbone than I expected. Perfect conditions. Trident Fly Fishing is a full-service fly shop. Chartreuse is a favorite color for warm-water predatory fish. To say this rod blends power and finesse is unfair and simplistic, however. Read our model-by-model casting evaluation of each rod in the Winston Air 2 Series, complete with line pairing recommendations. Mike played the fish quickly into the net, popped the hook free, then held the fish up briefly so the rest of us could see. With that said, I think the positives outweigh the negatives here. That weekend, we did his first float and the rest is history. They have a specialized grip that feels more trout rod than Spey, use slightly larger chrome guides than typical trout rods, and come with a larger tiptop that allows for the larger diameter of the spey style lines. Over the winter I had the opportunity to fish the new 96 5-weight Air 2 on my homewaters of Puget Sound. Personally, though, Id be surprised if the AIR 2 doesnt sell exceptionally well. The Air 2 9 5-weight is a dark horse entering the arena with the Scott Centric, Sage X and Loomis Asquith. Perennially known for elegance and touch, Winston has designed a rod that will go toe-to-toe with the most powerful fly rods in the world. The new Winston Air 2 fly rod is the obvious choice for those of you that want the most versatility out of your trout gear. It felt like I was mending a double-taper line with a Sage ONE, but with more feel in the tip than the ONE ever had. Winston Bamboo Fly Rod 4wt - 7'6" - 2pc. When you can only bring one rodthe amazing new Boron AIR 2. My son turns two this year, so Im still pretty new to being a dad. It reminded me of the picture so many folks I know try to paint of a stonefly hatch. This is a rod that will throw most of the fly line without using a haul stroke at all. Its casting stroke tracks straighter than any other Winston Ive fished, and straighter than some of the other flagship rods on the market right now. Your mileage may vary. The new Air 2 is perfectly designed to deliver both . It's not that any angler will really ever cast them side by side and they are both 8' 4wts, after all. One of the challenges many anglers face is how intimidating such a large body of water can be. This article is designed to pass that info along to you. Whether someone is looking for their first rod or trying to upgrade, the Winston Air 2 has the versatility and performance to excel in a variety of fishing situations and casting abilities. A Winston bamboo fly rod continues to set the standard for hand-crafted fly rod perfection. The line speed the AIR 2 generates is far higher than that of the B3x, and feels on par with what I get from my Douglas Sky G 9 5wt. Best Use: This is a great rod for a variety of freshwater trout fishing scenarios and can be used on larger rivers than the other 4wts in the series. https://tellurideangler.com/casting-vs-x-vs-nrx-selecting-a-fast-action-fly-rod/, Big Hole River Fishing Report - Sunrise Fly Shop. For more info on fishing in Washingtons Puget Sound and local rivers, check out Bretts website www.tailoutanglers.com or @tailoutanglers on Instagram. Winston Fly Rods. Between the raindrops, I saw tiny, dark bugs fluttering lazily. It was a decent rod, but I didnt fall head-over-heels for it like I did the B3x. In a 9 5wt, the AIR 2 packs more of a punch than I expected. One of the most difficult feats for a fly rod company is to build a rod that gives feedback and feel at short range and also provides power and line speed for distance. To pull this off, the Winston design team had to create a series of fly rods that was true to Winstons legacy but unapologetically performance-driven on the water. Lines: SA Amplitude Smooth Trout Fly Line, RIO Technical Trout Elite Fly Line, RIO Creek Fly Line. Perennially known for elegance and touch, Winston has designed a rod that will go toe-to-toe with the most powerful fly rods in the world. These reviewsYou had me at was an invitation to be eaten alive. Copyright 2003 2023 MidCurrent LLC, All Rights Reserved. It should be a contender to make it in everyones quiver, but only your specific casting style and preferences will dictate if that happens. The next generation of all-around freshwater fly rods (3wt-6wt). This is not your average 5-weight trout rod, folks. trout models to the Boron III TH Two Handed series. Nautilus NVG and Abel reels in special colors and graphics, available pre . Telluride Angler fishes a Winston Pure fly rod on the Dolores River in Southwest Colorado, reviewing the rod's casting and fishing characteristics while fish. In addition, Winston changed the Boron pattern, which is used to strengthen the graphite and provide some backbone. On the water, it possesses a rare combination of command with touch. Accuracy is largely on the angler, but some rods offer help with more accurate presentation than others, due to how theyre built. With either the 9 or 10 model, theres plenty of room for a variety of fishing applications, from dry fly fishing on bigger western rivers, to light nymphing and small streamers. The slightest bad drift, or one too many false casts, put them down. While some fast action rods fling the line and fly, this one loads and explodes with truly optimized mechanics. The B3x rods are what I consider to be Winstons best production rods ever. If a double haul is required for casting in the wind, tap it lightly and expect a confident response. The perfect rod for dry fly fishing and light nymphing. Think any spring creek from Paradise Valley, Montana, to the world renowned Driftless area in Wisconsin. The Air 2 9 4-weight wont drive nails into the wind like other rods in its class, but it has the characteristic feel and presentation qualities that make anglers love Winston rods. Winston Air 2 fly rods are a gigantic leap. As the caster advances beyond 25 feet, the loop tightens and accelerates. Choose your line for your fishing situation, but keep in mind that heavier lines (such as the Infinity Taper), slow the rod down into a medium-fast action and youll lose some of the benefit of keeping your line high on the backcast. Get your Winston Air 2 now in-store and online at Troutsflyfishing . A short drive over the hill leads us to the Winston manufacturing facility that is sure to impress any angler on one of their daily tours. It ate the dry!, I glanced back at Ryan. This is one of our favorite 5wt rods at the short trout distance of 30-feet. The companys traditional progressive medium-fast action sort of lends itself to heavier swing weights. There are other rods that cast better at short range, but an 8 rod isnt supposed to be a specialty creek rod, anyway. As though someone had thrown a switch, the bugs came off in droves, and the fish reacted as youd expect. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. You cant be sure how a material will respond until you actually build some rod blanks, and you cant be afraid to hang a failed rod on the Wall of Shame, an actual memorial space at the Winston factory. The new Winston Air 2 fly rod is the obvious choice for those of you that want the most versatility out of your trout gear. FULL REVIEW. The next generation of all-around freshwater fly rods (3wt-6wt). Fish it with an SA Trout Taper. The Air 2 series also has a new high modulus graphite and boron configuration only found in these new rods. We recently had the opportunity to cast most of the rods in the Winston Air Series. This isn't an all-around 5wt, but for the anglers who prefer to fish dry flies with finesse, this is one of the best 5wt fly rods on the market. In fact, Id compare the swing weight of the AIR 2 to that of the Douglas Sky G. Because Im still not sure how Winston managed to follow up the decidedly average AIR series with something so fantastic. I dont know how many fish I caught that day I never started counting. This shorter 3wt is a great rod for small streams and backpacking in the backcountry. I fished size 24 midge patterns in low water, and was impressed with how softly those tiny dries laid down. Its a great rod for rivers like the Missouri, where the rising trout always seem to be 40 feet away. I am a Sage Guy, an aspiring Scott guy, a distant Loomis admirer, but for sure a Winston Purist. Please call to check if real seat is box elder or maple. You won't want to leave home without it. I use a Wulff Trout Taper Floating line with my 905-4, and it's perfect. Winston showed great discipline is designing this model, prototyping and field testing relentlessly until they had a rod with the power and command to meet all the demands of a cutting edge 6-weight but also the lightness and feedback to belong in the Air 2 Series. Check the Winston Air 2 Fly Rod out in action with this ON-THE-WATER REVIEW on our YouTube channel. Tom grew up fishing the spring creeks of Montana for wary brown trout where the slightest mistake spooks the fish. I would never want another rod on rivers such as Silver Creek, the Frying Pan or the San Juan when a good hatch is in the air. He used Gartside's Super-Secret Stuff as a flash material but here we will use Hareline's Ice Wing Fiber as a substitute. I routinely am adding Air 2s in different models to complete my quiver! The 9 4wt Air 2 features a fast action with a light tip capable of presenting delicate dries with long, light leaders. 221 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435. That leads to quicker recovery speeds and less oscillation. Winston Boron III Two-Hand Micro Spey. In the same way the 9 rod length became the industry standard for a versatile single hand rod, weve dialed in our famous 133 lengths in 6, 7, and 8 weight grain windows to specify the perfect rod length across different applications. It will handle slightly heavier lines, such as the Rio Technical Trout or Gold, but why not split hairs and bring out the very best? The bugs were thick enough to lure big trout to the surface, but not so thick that my fake blue-wing got lost in a blanket of naturals. And if I may say so We need powerful rods that can zip out shooting heads and weighted flies with ease, repeatedly, but still retain a light and sensitive feeling in the hand. Every few fish, wed swap rods to compare. The length slows down the cast and the rod bends deep into the butt, with kinetic feel from tip to cork. My favorite line on this rod is a Rio Gold, which hops from the tip and makes the rod feel extra light and crisp throughout the delivery. With amazing lifting strength in the butt section, anglers can pull hard on these powerful fish. Some of our staff feel that its best beyond 30 feet, but I found that it loads naturally from very short to very long. From high-stick nymphing, float tube fishing, stack mends or long drift dry fly presentations, Boron Super 10 rods give anglers the most leverage from drift to drift. This is a really well crafted fly rod with specific purpose: line control for presenting smaller flies. Lines: RIO Gold Elite Fly Line, SA Amplitude Smooth Trout Fly Line. Fish it with an SA Trout Taper. Remarkably, the new High Strain Rate resin is perfect for the all-purpose rod category by amplifying the energy transfer allowing an angler to make tight loops and punch through the wind with incredible velocity as well as present smaller dries to rising fish at close range in calm water. When anglers move to a 6wt fly rod in freshwater, usually they're throwing larger flies or fishing to bigger fish. Its also well suited for wading tailwaters, presenting long leaders with a little distance between angler and trout. Best Use: This 6wt likes a true to size line and is best used as a hopper-dropper rod or a rod for larger dry flies. For floaters, Id match it with an SA Trout taper or Infinity taper all day long. I first cast it with an SA Infinity Taper, which is a half line weight heavy with a long head. Casting this rod with a range of lines, I can distinctly feel the different rod sections performing their intended tasks. SOME EXCLUSIONS APPLY*, JOIN ANGLER REWARDS TODAY - Earn 1 Point For Every Dollar Spent, EARN 1 POINT FOR EVERY DOLLAR YOU SPEND AT MRFC.COM, Moderate action with quick recovery that allows for open loops for fine dry fly presentation along with the ability to generate faster line speed as required for different conditions, Slim profile with fine grip and guide configurations for better connection to the rod, Proprietary design puts presentation and tippet protection as the first priority, Ideal for light nymph and dry fly fishing applications, Highest performance boron/graphite composite materials, Exceptionally powerful, capable of generating high line speeds, Designed to cast big flies, heavy lines, shooting heads and sinking tips, Extra reinforced ferrules for ultimate lifting power, Designated grain windows for each rod model, Designed and Handcrafted in Twin Bridges, MT, All graphite with classic WT spigot ferrule design, Incredibly smooth with wonderful touch and feel, Extra light 4-weight, perfect for spring creek fishing, GUIDES: Chrome nanoli test ripper guide/chrome snake guides, REEL SEAT: Nickel Silver with burled wood insert, STORAGE: Premium aluminum tube with logo rod sock. Ryan and I turned to face him, 100 yards upstream, just as the brown trout jumped, landed, then pulled off another 20 feet of line. Winston packed a bunch of new features into the AIR 2 that address accuracy. What Id hoped would get the fish moving wasnt showing up yet, and based on the weather and time of day, I doubted it would. R.L. These rods can do anything present tiny dry flies to wary trout on flat water, cast a heavy streamer to the far bank in the wind, launch the entire line when you need it, and make quick, accurate close-range shots. Copyright 2023 Telluride Angler 221 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435 1 (970) 728-3895 All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyWebsite by WEBDOGS. It wasnt easy fishing by any means the fish and the bugs kept me on my toes. Howler Monkeys call from the canopy. Spring creek and tailwater anglers have a new favorite rod. It's versatile, powerful, but retains the classic Winston feel that dry fly trout anglers know and love. Line speed and control will match or exceed any other rod in the most demanding conditions. The Air 2 9 4-weight is definitely faster action than the Pure 9 4-weight, which flexes into the middle of the rod on every cast, but not as powerful as the equivalent Centric, X, Asquith or NRX+. Winston Rod Co. This is perfect weather. I broke off a half-dozen flies, at least, because I set the hook before the fish had fully eaten my blue-wing. Best Use: This is a small stream trout rod for light nymphing, dry flies, and small streamers in tight quarters. You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. I havent seen any bugs yet.. I was thoroughly impressed by this rod turning over the shooting heads and baitfish patterns we fish on Puget Sound. Winston wanted to create a feeling of connection between the angler and the rod, and slimming down the cork grip allows you to feel more feedback than you would otherwise. Featuring a deep loading action with fast recovery rates, AIR TH models are ideal for any steelhead and salmon fishing application. Featuring Boron III technology, these fast action rods excel in a range of Two-Handed situations, from covering big, broad rivers to dealing with tree-lined banks or demanding weather. All Rights Reserved Design by unleaded.digital. Meant for happy-go-lucky streams, this rod perfectly casts microscopic dry flies on the lightest tippet, and bends to the butt section with the weight of a 7 brook trout. Introducing the brand new R.L. This rod will handle it. These game changing rods use unique features not found in any other series, like a designated grain window for each model to help anglers sort through the wide offering of over-weighted lines available on the market today. A Winston rod series designed to up your game against the Alpha fish lurking in the shadows. Some might imagine undercut banks, beaver ponds, and giggling riffles on a secret cutthroat crick. Some might imagine a large pod of picky spring creek rainbows dimpling PMDs on a slow-moving currents surface. What this means for anglers is faster mid-sections to dictate line control and easily manage windy conditions along with Boron III technology applied in the butt section for more lifting strength to fight and land fish quickly. The Air 2 delivers flies with tremendous accuracy and minimal effort. Sage makes a host of different rod types including Spey rods, saltwater fly rods, and freshwater rods. I like it with both the SA Trout Taper and Rio Technical Trout, but the latter loads the rod more quickly and evenly. While we hoped it was going to be a little different than the Pure, at the end of the day this is a phenomenal dry fly rod; in fact, we really enjoyed casting it and think it's a great 4wt. Small but big: I love the modified half Wells that Winston crafted for these rods. Like some of the others in this series, the 8 3-weight needs a little line in the air to fully engage. And, were talking 5-6 weight rods, this isnt striper fishing. Breathing is believing. A brand new Winston from top to bottom. It's maybe not exactly what the op is looking for, but I notice TA included into their comparative reviews: Giving you real-time river information, with details on hatches, flies, and fishing tactics for the Big Hole River. Moments after, the whine of an old click-and-pawl reel filled the air. It seemed like every time we called Winston this spring, the guys were on the Big Hole, testing rods. It turns out that fishing is a critical part of the job, but we always smiled when we got these reports from the factory. But even though the casting stroke is somewhat slow and deliberate, the Pure packs a . Thats a big price. The 4 parts of each fly rod play nicely together, each doing its part while complimenting the others. I am so pleased with this rod, that they have found a way into the room of this crowded conversation but did it with a sense of grace.

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