However, any official or credentialed records in Wyoming County can only be delivered via mail. 1 - (LARAMIE), CORRESPONDENCE - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. RESTRICTED. See also Cartographic Records. Annual summary of students' scholastic abilities. 1880 - 1940 A record of business carried out by the various school districts. DEEDS VOTER REGISTRATION CARDS - CANCELED Records of mortgages on real property. Though primarily used for deeds and mortgages, these registers also include marriage licenses, decrees, bills of sale, powers of attorney, and other instruments. REPORTS DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 1955 - 1982 The order sets forth the condition of reorganization. Appraisal of real property for tax purposes. Register of automobile records filed in Fremont County. Record of votes in Election District #8, Anderson Polling Precinct #10. BILLIARD LICENSES Rhonda Schell Filter search results in the box below. 1959 - 1960, 1969 - 1970 school years Record of mortgages on real property. The petition is a request by parents for isolation funding to enable their child or children to attend. 19, ANNUAL REPORT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERK, DISTRICT NOS. ASSESSMENT SCHEDULES Contents may include national test scores, health records, progress and evaluation reports, disciplinary actions, and samples of work. This journal lists names of teachers, their addresses, teaching background by county district and inclusive dates of teaching experience, by whom certified and title, name of notary, teachers' dates of birth and whether A-3 forms were mailed or delivered. There are a few personal letters and records which include names of the deceased. 1967 - 1984 Actions taken in a particular case may be recorded throughout a volume or volumes. Criminal warrants and complaints. 1962 - 1970 Criminal cases reviewed by the Supreme Court for appeal. Case files contain various records presented in or issued from individual civil and criminal cases. Volume contains field notes from surveys of unidentified lands in Albany County. Other types of writ are exclusively dealt with by the supreme court, too. Record of students' attendance and grades. REGISTER OF TEACHER CERTIFICATES The records include summonses, orders, motions, petitions, and sometimes transcripts, supreme court appeals and evidence. Information on school districts in the county. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET VOTER CHANGE CARDS Tally of votes from each precinct. 1916 - 1968 APPOINTMENTS COMMISSIONERS' MINUTES Entries do not record type of vehicle. Information includes names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description and value of property, amount of mortgage, terms of agreement, and releases. 1882 - 1907 1939 Information includes name of defendant, charge, dates and types of filings, judgment, and fees. The score sheet also states the purpose of the evaluation and criterion explanation. PROBATE CLAIM DOCKET UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS ca. Also included are reports and tabulations of financial concerns, evaluation reports of workshops, and directories. 1911 - 1935 (Not inclusive) 1950 - 1955 A number of signed certificates verifying that a named teacher read a particular professional book, the name and description of that book, and the year in which it was read. 1870 - 1913 1887 - 1971 LIEN RECORD 1890-1951 PROBATE JOURNALS Names of eligible voters in the county. PLAT BOOK 1910 - 1916, 1942, 1961, 1965 - 1970 This series consists of various records on the construction, maintenance and vacation of roads and bridges. Record of grades, test scores, and biographical data on students and parents. BONDS AND OATHS FINANCIAL FILES A listing of teachers and administrators employed by each district is included for the years 1924 to 1968. 4400 Daylight Ct. 4401 Daylight Ct. 4402 Daylight Ct. 4403 Daylight Ct. 4404 Daylight Ct. 4405 Daylight Ct. 4406 Daylight Ct. View all Gillette Property Records by Street. 1913 - 1977 ANNUAL WEED SUMMARIES 1875-1986 1924 - 1945 1921 - 1950 1922 - 1967 1963 - 1964 Records concerning the building of a dormitory for Casper College. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, charge, nature of complaint, outline of court actions and pertinent filings, plea, judgment, fine, and court costs. Information includes reception number, date of filing, recording book and page, names of grantor and grantee, from whom received, type of instrument, fees, and to whom delivered. Please do not staple documents. SUPERINTENDENT'S FILE BUDGETS File includes listing of real property owned by the school district and correspondence concerning real property. WEED INVENTORY SURVEY OREGON BASIN AREA Records originating from civil case proceedings. The amount of each warrant is usually recorded under the category, account or purpose (salaries, expenses, fees, supplies, services, etc.) 1982, 1985 TREASURER'S REPORTS GRAND JURY REPORTS Information includes reception number, names of grantor and grantee, recording book and page, dates of instrument and filing, type of instrument, consideration paid, and location. Criteria were judged to determine if the school and teacher met the basic requirements of children and the community. Records include liens, assignments, contracts and agreements, bills of sale, court decrees, powers of attorney, military discharges (restricted), chattel mortgages, easements, affidavits, deeds of trust, etc. The file contains a letter and its response between the Honorable Keith Thomson and Maurice Griffith, Superintendent of Schools, regarding standardized testing and federal involvement in education. Index to chattel mortgages filed in the county. 1938 1941 1928 - 1968 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Information includes names of parties, description of property, consideration paid, and terms of sale. CONTRACTUAL RECORDS For dates after 1960, see Jackson Justice of the Peace Precinct Nos. Birthdates 1935 - 1983 Evaluation materials include description of school district and statement of philosophy, map of the district, board policies, school district budget, and pupil report card. List of stock and domestic wells within Water Division III. STATISTICAL FILE FOR CENSUS REPORTS CONTRACTS AND AGREEMENTS FAIR BOARD QUARTERLY REPORTS Entries list receipt number, date of filing, names of grantor and grantee, type of instrument recorded, recording book and page, and sometimes motor vehicle number. Road and bridge records provide information on the economic impact of roads and bridges to the county or a community and indirectly the character of the community. Record of land transactions in towns. Assessment rolls inventory and appraise personal and real property for tax purposes. JURY LISTS EXECUTION DOCKET (CIVIL) 1925 - 1959 (Not inclusive) 1950 - 1964 Certificates issued to claimants under the Homestead and Timber Culture Acts. General incoming and outgoing correspondence concerning a variety of subjects. Register of World War One veterans in Fremont County. Files may contain permanent record card, transcripts, health record, national test scores, biographical information, scholastic record, etc. Petitions naming candidates for elected offices in the Progressive Party (1912) and Republican Party (1916). This journal records attendance, grades, ages, recommendations, remarks by teachers, daily programs, visitors, summaries and honor roll pupils. DAILY REPORTS 1913 - 1928 28 (FOX PARK), MONTHLY REPORTS - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Certificates of marriage performed by Justice of the Peace and Clergy during the period. 1867 - 1971 Proceedings of the board. 7 - (JELM) 1953 - 1955 YOUTH ADVOCATE PROGRAM The reports list pupils enrolled, and give their grade, age, and attendance for the month. Information includes name of defendant, charge, dates and kinds of pertinent filings, dates and notes on proceedings, plea, disposition, sentence, fine and court costs. SCHOOL BOARD MINUTES WORLAND HIGH SCHOOL 1888 - 1890 COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL INDEX CARDS These reports give the valuation of various school districts within the county. 1925 Inventory and appraisal of estates for settlement of estates. DEED RECORD 3, SCHOOL EVALUATION MATERIALS - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1889 1951 overall Statements in tribute to attorney Nelson L. Andrews. Files may include scholastic and health records. HOMESTEAD AND TIMBER CULTURE CERTIFICATES Information includes sex, age, address, and name of parent. CRIMINAL CASE PAPERS Plats and maps are indexed by name. 1873 - 1877, 1879, 1906 - 1996 PRELIMINARY REPORT 1913 - 1993 ABSTRACTS OF LAND See also Photo Records. Included are names and addresses of stu-dents and their parents, parents occupation, pupils date of birth, names of schools, immunization and disease record, medical exams and nurse's inspection record. ANNUAL REPORT - COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Various records separated from case files. ABSTRACT OF VOTES 1877 - 1984 Includes minutes, an apparent workshop schedule, and an outline for the standardization of schools in the Big Horn Basin. Records include patents, mining records, liens, affidavits, assignments, articles of incorporation, leases, contracts, bills of sale, court records, chattel mortgages, powers of attorney, notary commissions, water right records, releases, certificates, military discharges, etc. RESTRICTED TO SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. VOTER LISTS Opinions of county attorney on administrative and financial matters involving the county or county officers. Copies of records of funds distributed to the county school districts by the county superintendent's office. Information includes name of defendant, charge, date and type of various filings, plea, judgment, fine and court costs. 1880 Public requests presented to the county commissioners to initiate, continue or discontinue a program or activity in the public's behalf. MONTHLY REPORTS 1973 - 1978 ABSTRACTS OF LAND (RANGES 77-93) Various records filed in three civil cases. NATURALIZATION RECORDS 1926 - 1970 10 (HARMONY), TEACHER'S DAILY REGISTER - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1897 - 1923 2/7/07. Volume has an alphabetical index. 1884 WATER RIGHTS CASE FILES Map of the Lands of the Wyoming Central Land and Improvement Company, Carbon and Albany Counties.1885" RECEIVING BOOKS 1888 - 1932 CRIMINAL DOCKET SHEETS 1 to 10. Records include reports, transcripts of testimony, and verdicts. 1911 - 1930 Information includes name and address of patient, kind and quality of liquor prescribed, and name and address of doctor. SCHOOL DISTRICT REORGANIZATION RECORDS ACCESS RESTRICTED. Douglas High School students who received scholarships and those who graduated during the 1987 - 1988 school term. Files may contain grades, test scores and biographical information of students who attended Lingle-Fort Laramie schools. BILLS OF SALE Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, charge or nature of complaint, summary of filings and motions, plea, disposition, fine and court costs. This file consists of resolutions approving tax sale of property. POLL BOOKS Dockets contain summaries of criminal proceedings, mainly for traffic and game and fish violations. Wyoming County Prothonotary Office Records 1833 - Present Albert A. Slade, formerly Superintendent in Casper, was elected to the Laramie Superintendency. Provides dates of hearings, names of defendants and plaintiffs, complaints, proceedings, pleas, findings, judgments, court costs and fines. The correspondence with other county superintendents deals with meetings of the County Superintendents of Schools Association, common problems and issues, and various requests. CERTIFICATION CARDS Information includes grades, test scores, biographical information on student and parents. The reports contain name, age, grade, attendance record, and promotional status of the pupil. 1883 - 1895, 1929 How do I find information about jury duty? ca. SCHOOL DISTRICT TAX LIST 7, CITY OF SHERIDAN, COMBINED POLL, ROAD AND SCHOOL TAX RECORD, SUPERINTENDENTS RECORD OF TEACHERS SERVICE. Record of bills of sale filed with the county clerk. Proposals and specifications for furniture and equipment for the additions to the Ilses, Lincoln and Stanton Schools, and the Laramie High School Addition.

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