I bought her as part of a package but now have had some unexpected truck expenses come up. Located one hour from Melbourne on the beautiful Western Port coast line, the farm has wonderful views across Bass Strait and nearby Phillip Island and Wilsons Promontory. Speckle Park cattle for sale are a cross between three major cattle breeds, and their characteristics differ depending on the breed. Through selecting animals that meet our breeding criteria, we now have a core herd of elite Speckle Park females and donors. The third colour pattern is the white pattern. Speckle Park Cattle in Victoria are well known for being easy to calve and having few . Rose Hill Speckle Park offers leading Speckle Park genetics and semen, for sale all year round. border: 0 !important; Built using WordPress and Materialis Theme. A SOUTHERN New South Wales Speckle Park stud sale has this afternoon broken breed records, with a bull known as Six Star Justice R10 making $100,000. Good loading facilities Pic MGDL0305 $1400 each, We have a Stud Speckle Park bull available for hire from early July WOLF LAKE JUSTICE 25J - CONSIGNED TO THE INTEGRITY SPECKLE PARK SALE. White, 2 years old. McMurry Cattle Fred, Doreen and Brilliant calves! Five are typical speckle colour but one is more brown than, 2 good quality speckle park heifers, 230kg average, 6 mouths old, 5 in 1 and drenched, $1000 plus GST, easy to work, located glendon brook, message , can help with delivery, 10-12 months old Package of the 50 Straws - $25/ straw . It is similar to the speckled pattern but there are definite black spots on the animal instead of just speckles. This allows us to maximise our genetic gain and use animals that we believe meet our criteria. speckle park Clear all Top Speckle Park bulls for sale Registered Breeder F3 Speckle Park bull for sale. Become a Member Learn More. Waratah Speckle Park Stud is a family run business in rural New South Wales. PRETTY AS PICTURE " ONLY A SMALL LOT BUT A VERY GOOD LOT. Speckle Park studs got in on the action with high prices, celebrating stud, national and world records throughout 2021. #rps .slider div .col { Speckles were in high demand at Roma at the end of January, with the Curtis family, Lightning Ridge, NSW, selling 280kg steers for 722.2c/kg at 280kg, making $2022.16. Hide Auctions 1. Almarlea Speckle Park is creating an elite herd of Speckle Park cattle in New South Wales Australia. Volcanic Plains Speckle Park is located in beautiful South West Victoria, close to tourist attractions such as the Great Ocean Road and Warrnambool. Extremely quiet and easy to handle 3LAAT157 Cowwarr Victoria. AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the Great Little Elm ISD Education Foundation Board Meeting today. Talk to Alex and Natalie about running an ET program specifically tailored to your requirements. Since then, the breed has grown strongly, logging about 4000 calf registrations on BreedPlan last year, and recording 18,000 in total. Legacy Speckle Park Is a 2500 acre ranch operated by the Vogel family in the Beaver Hills of east central Saskatchewan. Located Nungurner Welcome to Temple Mount Farm Nestled at the base of the Macedon Ranges, Woodend North in Victoria has high rainfall and lush green pastures and is freezing cold most of the year. 400kg +/- Top Speckle Park bulls for sale Registered Breeder F3 Speckle Park bull for sale. SA and across Victoria, with the catalogue recording nearly 5000 views. font-size: 12px !important; Fish Creek Farm has their own High Quality Meat Brand and will be happy to Partner with our customers and negotiate a buy back agreement, because Speckle Park Cross cattle are fast becoming the most consistent performers in Australias meat processing. Speckle Park cattle & their crosses have been consistently dominating the Calgary Stampede Carcase competitions in Canada & more recently in Australia at the 2010 Brisbane EKKA. We have semen qualified for New Zealand, Canada, USA, South Africa, Argentina and Brazil. Waratah Speckle Park is where beef breeders can find first-hand, practical advice on Speckle park cattle. Total of 148 Hd in the line . Other beef cattle breeders saw them come through the cattle markets and bringing a premium price. In Victoria, the Begbie family sold Whiteline-blood Speckle Park heifers, weighing 244kg, for $1840 or 754c/kg at Ballarat, and Lake Goldsmith Pastoral Co sold 10 cows with calves at foot, for $5500 a unit, also at Ballarat. F1 SPECKLE PARK/ FRIESIAN HEIFERS 10 -12 MONTHS. Great Mum. We took some to the local Warwick show. #myGallery, #myGallerySet, #flickrGallery { Speckle Parks, the beef cattle breed created in Canada, are now an internationally sought after breed. } Has had 1 calf. 6 yr old purebred speckle park cow $3000 sold Bred heifer. Sexes. } Originating from Canada, they are renowned for their quiet temperament, milking ability & meat quality. The JAD team has since transferred. Breeders of world class Angus, Brangus & Speckle Park In 2017 Hidden Valley Speckle Park was incorporated by Peter and Roz Alexander, with an aim to select and breed world class Speckle Park genetics, primarily sourced from Notta Ranch Speckle Parks in Saskatchewan, Canada. } We are achieving this through selecting our best Speckle Park females from our breeding program to enter our embryo flushing programs. We will deliver the bull to your property and, We have a Speckle Park bull available for hire from late May. Photos of the herd bull and some of his offspring are now posted on this website. /* Prevent direct access to this file */ 2 x 2 years old with calves at foot (bull calves will be marked) font-size: 11px !important; Ex Stud cows Various colours. Great Little Elm ISD Education Foundation Board Meeting today. ABN 89 008 411 167 2023 Minnamurra Speckles. 211 - 215kg Docile Nature the key to more weight gain and less stress on man and beast. 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Materialis Theme prices, celebrating Stud, national and world records throughout 2021 the Beaver Hills speckle park cattle for sale victoria east central.!